I am going to be under the knife so to speak, will be having gastric bypass surgery and wonder if any of you out there have had it and if you have any suggestions for me???? would appreciate any info. buff
gastric by pass surgery
by buffalosrfree 34 Replies latest jw friends
Hi Buff-I've never had it done but I've known a couple people who have. I think it takes awhile (like any surgical procedure) but you'll recover. Both of the people I knew who had it done were elderly and had other health problems that hindered their recoveries. But they both made it through and are doing fine now. Wish I could give you more but I'm sure you'll be fine-All the best to you Buff.
Isn't that what Englishman had at the end of the summer, and due to get his next op next month? He'll probably be able to answer your questions on it.
Isn't that what Englishman had at the end of the summer, and due to get his next op next month? He'll probably be able to answer your questions on it.
Hmm..don't think so. A gastric bypass is a way of losing weight by shrinking the stomach so less food is absorbed. Englishman.
Special K
Ozzie Osbournes wife had that.. Sharon Osbourn..
Hope it all goes well for you.
Special K
Buffalo, I had WLS a couple of months ago---I didn't have anything bypassed, I just had the gastroplasty. Basically, they make your stomach smaller and that's it. While the weight is coming off slower than if I had had the bypass, I'm thrilled to say that as of this morning, I'm down 31 lbs.!!! I've been exercising my ass off (literally) and and glad I got it done.
I've sent you a private message with more details on it, so check your messages when you get a chance.
I lost about 22 pounds during my couple of weeks in hospital. That was an unexpected benefit of my surgery. Someone told me that the body burns up to 2500 calories a day in just healing itself after surgery, plus the no food for a few days and bingo! You're a a skinny!
(There was quite a lot of loose skin so I rolled it all up my body and over my head, then I tied a knot in it to keep it all in place.)
(There was quite a lot of loose skin so I rolled it all up my body and over my head, then I tied a knot in it to keep it all in place.)
So thats why your wearing a hat in the pic, your using it to cover the knot!
Everyone I've heard talk about that surgery, on television, says it changed their life. Wish I had the nerve to do it myself. I like to eat and they all say you don't have room to eat more than a few bites.
Good luck!!
We used to have a poster here who had it done years ago. Anyone know if LB ever posted about his surgery? He still looks great!
Good luck