I love you all!

by Nancy Drake 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • Snowcrash

    Cough syrup with percodan? Man, enough cough syrup can make you love everything. The percodan's gotta make it a lot better.

    The tussin, the tussin!

    I took it down like it was nothin'!

    Robocop couldn't stop me from pukin' and flushin'!

    No balls to be bustin', no fightin', no cussin',

    Just love for a drug called Robotussin!

  • xenawarrior

    ((((Nancy))))) right back attcha !!

    Percocet ROCKS !! But Nancy- if you are needing Percocet- are you okay? Hope it's not anything serious.

    I'm glad you were reunited with your friend !! YAY !!

  • hillbilly

    Nancy... I love everyone here too.......Even Nos and his itchy balls. Even Candidlynuts with no shoes and poverty all around. Even XenaW and here wacky Bush leanings. And most of all I love ME. I am always right and demand worship from all who enter my presence. Glad you found your best old pal. That must be great!

    Be careful with them pills gal...you might get to likin' em


  • Preston
  • Snowcrash

    Holy crap, that rocks, Preston! If that's a bumper sticker of t-shirt, I want one!

  • Preston
  • czarofmischief

    From one pill popper to another - much love.

    Czar of the "reason socialized medicine would crash and burn" klass

  • dorothy

    (wink, wink) Got the message Nancy. I know it was personally for me, but don't worry, I won't tell the others.

  • Nancy Drake
    Nancy Drake
    But Nancy- if you are needing Percocet- are you okay? Hope it's not anything serious.

    ((( XenaW)))

    No, nothing serious...I had some dental work done and there is some in the cabinet for "emergencies." LOL They are nice sometimes just for chilling out and being happy.

    Thanks for asking!

    Be careful with them pills gal...you might get to likin' em


    I know, I don't take them very often. I only use in moderation. I have known people who were very addicted to them because they make you so happy. I know of at least one person that would break into my house right now if she knew I had these in the medicine cabinet.

    Czar of the "reason socialized medicine would crash and burn" klass
    LOL, Czar!!!!

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