She asked me how she could help? I said it was too late! I was tired of being mistreated in the truth. She told me that she was in a car accident/hit and run. A man actually followed the guy that hit her and got his license etc. I said"It's nice to know there's honest people in the World" She agreed and said that this man saved her. Worldly man, might I add. I told her that I haven't been going to meetings for quite sometime and that none of my so-called good witness friends had called me. I said, it hurt, and that I felt that they just didn't give a crap. I told her I love Jehovah but that I'm not going back. She said that she had moved to my kingdom Hall to help me. What about her. I said" You're one in 6 million trying to help" not very good odds. I told her I was moving. She asked "where?" I said"I'd rather not say". " I'll always remember you as my one true witness friend but that I wouldn't be talking to her anymore. She tried to persuade me. I said. I have to go now. Take care, I'll miss you! Good bye. It's sad that you have to be this blunt with witnesses, but unfortunately it's the only way to survive the fight for freedom. I had told her some other stories too and left it at that. I was very careful not to sound apostate. Not that it really matters anymore. Very sad! Rusty So, I've lost another loved one to the socalled truth. But I've gained all of you as friends and loved ones right. I hope someone is proud of me because right now I'm feeling like a horrible person and a failure. I know it's the brainwashing right. I hope someone will reply because I feel really sad and worthless right now. Sorry to be a downer guys.
I called a so called friend today and told her I was leaving the truth
by Tim Horton 12 Replies latest jw friends
I'm proud of you, and I don't even know you. But we got something in common-we both left. It hurts pretty badly but it gets a lot better as time goes on. I still have many relatives in the religion and I miss them sometimes but mostly it's just hurtful that they don't have unconditional love for me like I do them. We move on and stick with the ones that won't shun us just because we think differently. All the best to you. It'll get better.
i know that it's a difficult situation, but uh...
if you really love that friend, why didn't you try to plant that little seed in her brain that would make her think? you are probably right to not expect her to instantly change all her beliefs, because there's a lot to it, but seeds grow with time... -
Tim Horton
I don't know how to plant seeds of doubt, I don't usually get to talk because they're walking all over me. Like my Mom, sister. I guess I tried a bit with the worldly guy comment. I know not very good. We actually don't know each other that well. She's just a really sweet girl that took to me. I'm not used to that, so I wantet to go easy on her, and at least be decent enough to tell her some of my reasons for leaving. I feel so bambarded by all witnesses when I talk to them. They're like clones, they all say exactly the same things. I need to meet people with true personality. Not watchtower clones. Chris
Hey there,
All my best to you! I can certainly understand why you feel sad but why do you feel worthless?
I hope you don't really think that your friend is "in the truth" and that you are "leaving the truth." I'm sure you don't from what you said, but it's amazing how those implanted concepts can continue to color our views on things and our relationships with those who reject us on the basis of their belief that the Society has a monopoly on truth. I imagine you are leaving behind what you now recognize as a very limited concept of truth so that you can be free to explore more genuine truths. That's what I did anyway.
I think you are very brave and strong. Maybe some day some of those old friends of ours will be able to see just how much strength and courage and spirit it took for us to be true to ourselves and our own personal relationships with God. But even if not, we can still do that for ourselves and each other. This is a wonderful place to come when you're feeling troubled. Everyone expresses such understanding and caring and I have found true words of wisdom here. I am sure you will, too. So many of us have had or are having to explore just exactly what we have based our self-worth on. It is so important that it not be based on something that can crumble or be taken away from us.
I hope that you will consider me a friend of some sort even though we don't actually know each other. My heart goes out to you in your distress and I hope that that helps more than these clumsy words ever could. (((((Tim Horton)))))
I've read about the marriage troubles which are upsetting and now this.
Can I just say that when in turmoil one shouldn't make big decisions? Am I suggesting staying at the Hall, no! But calling an telling people you are leaving. What is the point?
I would get through one thing and then the other. Just my opinion based on what I've read from you.
Hoping the best for you.
Humor and irreverence are a good way to "sow seeds" about the truth; mocking the absurd can be a real eye opener.
Actually Tim you are leaving a lie and now you are going to live in a true world. You took a big step now take your time and take small ones and give it time to work it self out. You are beating to biggest demon of them all a mind controlling cult. Stand your ground and be proud that you are becoming free.
Tim Horton
thanks for your input guys. The only reason I called this friend was because she wouldn't stop calling me. It was getting crazy. She left me messages saying that she would never give up and wouldn't stop calling until she heard from me. So I said enough is enough and called her to let her know where I stand. She even made a joke that she has been stalking me. That wouldn't really bother me if I thought it was sincere and not to brainwash and force literature on me some more. I have quite a few friends that I won't be calling as they haven't called me and don't seem to give a damn that my family is leaving the truth. I'm just tired of hiding. I want out. Rusty(Chris)
It sounds like your 'friend' who just won't give up has a problem w compulsion or something like that. Just because unbalanced people want to be friends doesn't mean that a person is obligated to be their friends in return. Some people can suck the life out of you or at least drag you down. If you want to move up in your life, you may not be able to support people like this. Real friends give you the choice if you want to be friends w them or not. Balanced people aren't needful like that.