OK, here goes (stuff I've tried not to think about this past year!)
1. Family study There was no avoiding it. My stepfather forced us to sit at a table for six damn hours one night, working over the one stupid Watchtower study. Hated every second of it.
2. Daily text with the family Oddly, we never had this, thank God for small mercies.
3. Pre-study on public transport I didn't mind this. I like to read, and this was as good a time as any to get my underlining done.
4. Street witnessing I didn't love it, but I could place 50 mags in about an hour, so I did it at least once a month to keep my numbers up. Also, with street witnessing, you don't really have to get into deep conversations with people.
5. Backroom meetings! I hated these with a passion!!!! And I was always in trouble over something: dating unbaptized guys, piercing my nose, getting a tattoo, being an uppity woman when talking to the brothers. Hated that back room.
6. Shepherding calls The elders never bothered with me with these; I always thought they went after families more, and that a single sister was somewhat under their radar.
7. Offerimg a subscription Nah, as long as I was already at the door talking, might as well. In for a penny, in for a pound, as they say.
8. Hall cleaning I never bothered with this. There are better ways to spend my Saturdays.
9. Reading the secondary articles They were usually more interesting than the study article! I always liked the science stuff in the Awake.
10. Brother/Sister Zealous Oh, yeah, I've been known to hide behind can displays at the grocery store to avoid running into this chick!
11. Other (please detail) All my married friends trying to fix me up with their single guy friends. "oh, you'll like him! His dad's an elder, his two brothers are ministerial servants, and he's a pioneer who cleans offices! Granted, he's a virgin with a tenth-grade education, but he's so spiritual!"