I attended the 2004-2005 Circuit Assembly this past weekend. The Internet, online chat rooms, and JW Online Dating was mentioned several times both days. During both the Circuit Overseer's final talk on Sunday and the District Overseer's final talk Sunday they both spent several minutes talking about how the Internet poses a serious danger to God's people.
The C.O. read Prov 1:22 "how long will YOU stupid ones keep hating knowledge" [the assembly theme was about Godly wisdom], and then said,
"We should always listen to God's word, and his Organization. If we don't heed Godly wisdom we are stupid, S-T-U-P-I-D. [The C.O. talked about dress/grooming, television, sports/hobbies and each time asked will we listen to wisdom or be S-T-U-P-I-D. After talking about hobbies many in the audience chuckled when he spelled stupid]. We need to listen to the wisdom from above when it comes to using our computers. We should use our computers for theocratic study. And don't be fooled by thinking that secured Witness sites are secure. Some sites ask for a song title or a line from a Kingdom Ministry. Friends don't be S-T-U-P-I-D [the C.O. gestured for the the audience to help him audibly spell stupid, only a few joined], don't you think Satan can read a songbook?"
The D.O. said,
"God's Organization has repeatedly warned us about the dangers of apostates and the Internet. We have been warned in Watchtower articles, Kingdom Ministries, and past assemblies and conventions. Yet a number of friends aren't heeding the warnings. [The D.O. reads a couple of scriptures] Brothers and Sisters lets make this the last assembly we have to be warned about the Internet, let's listen to Godly wisdom."
During other talks pleas were made to young people. I didn't take notes, but the main thought was that taking in Godly Wisdom is much more valuable than worldly wisdom or education. A university education can teach you about Alexander the Great, but only Jehovah can introduce you to him in the coming New World. Young ones were encouraged to listen to Jehovah, the Organization, their parents, and the elders. Then an experience was related of a young brother that led a double life, only to come back to Jehovah a few years later, and then die of AIDS.
During our Circuit elders meeting with the C.O. and D.O. on Saturday evening we talked about Judicial Committees and Reinstatement. The C.O. and D.O. alternately discussed various points from their outline as follows:
Judicial Committees and Appeal Committees have mistakenly rendered mercy where it was undeserved. This only hurts the congregation. Publishers are in contact with individuals that should have been disfellowshipped. Publishers may become prey to these wolves in sheep clothing, or the Publishers may think that it is ok to engage in serious wrongdoing and come away with private reproof.
Don't be quick to re-instate someone disfellowshipped. A couple of years ago we were told whenever a disfellowshipped person makes a plea for re-instatement we are to meet with the person. However this does not mean we should re-instate the person. Some have been re-instated after 6 months, the Branch is concerned about the decisions of committees in this regard. We need to allow sufficient time to see the person's works of repentance which could take a year or years. It is hard enough for us to be aware of what a publisher is doing when he is in the congregation, it is more difficult when they are outside the congregation, so allow sufficient time.
In the elders meeting the D.O. also said before extending privileges to a brother that previously served as an Elder or M.S. but was dealt with judicially, contact the Branch. This would include giving the brother an application to Regular Pioneer or recommendation to serve as M.S.
In my opinion it seems the Society is getting stricter. The last two D.O. we've had are very much Society-men. There are a number of young (Elder) MTS graduates in our circuit, in addition to being young (mid-20s) they are very charismatic in their talks and try to reach out to/recruit young ones to pioneer; very good PR men that tow the WT line. They serve in Congregations as P.O. or Service Ov. Another peeve is the WT message of do more is unrelenting, and then we hear, "are you tired? stop partying on the weekend and wasting time in unnecessary pursuits, then you will have energy for spiritual pursuits". Or we're constantly being chided as if we're children for wearing something wrong/watching something bad/associating with so-and-so. This has gotten beyond ridiculous, the WT's control over minutia is amazing. I realize many of the R&F (like my family) are good people and believe what they're told, but the WT has to end sooner rather than later. People lose their lives to the WT taskmaster by wasting hours in "serving" God or to some messed up blood policy. Something's gotta give.