Hi Sirona...
I swear to God(dess) that these are what genuinely came off my digital camera.
I believe you. I also believe that the distortions you are talking about (in the window photos) are nothing more than 'noise', a typical problem with digital cameras in low-light conditions. Either that or some other visual artifact (i.e. something resulting from the process of capturing an image via a CCD, processing and storing it, as distinct from something 'what was there'). Do a little reading up on digital photography, especially 'noise' and you will see what I mean; as you will if you take a photo of the night sky with your digicam and see how stuff that isn't there appears in the photos.
The door photos are just too much of a blur to make out what is or isn't there.
As for being able to see facial features, yeah, well, you have a massive amount of visual processing hardware and software in your head that will identify a semi-colon, a dash and a right-handed bracket as a face too. And clouds as animals. And stains on walls as faces too.
Normally your brain does something like CLOUD>LOOKS LIKE DOG>BUT IS CLOUD>THEREFORE IS CLOUD THAT LOOKS LIKE DOG. You know that dogs are not fluffy, or at least not in the way that clouds are, and also that clouds are rather higher and larger than dogs are.
However, I suggest that in this case your brain does something like BLUR>LOOKS LIKE GHOSTIE>IS GHOSTIE, as you are pre-inclined to believe in such things, to such an extent your first assumption about a blur oin a photo involves the paranormal, and not a well known and documented short-fall of digital photographs.
Be careful looking for things, as you tend to find what you are looking for...
I see the images, but, as you know, there are so many doubters.
I am not a doubter. I simply demand the same evidence for ghosts that I demand for saucege rolls. By using the term 'doubter' you are simply trying to label anyone who doesn't agree with you in a similar fashion to the Borg labelling people who disagree with them.
Just as the Borg cannot prove anything, yet label those who disagree as wrong, so too you can't prove anything but talk as though we doubted something as unquestioned as gravity.