Last night, I got up for work (Third Shift) Everyone in the house is asleep. After watching the movie "THE RING" earlier that day with my neice and nephews, I started scaring myself with my thoughts. My son's TV has a weird short and sometimes it comes on by itself...(one time I woke up around 5 am and Saved by the Bell was blaring in his room)...(now that's scary)
Anyway, I started to think, oh my god, what if the TV turns itself on right now I would freak out!!!
So, as I'm thinking this, I hear a man's voice coming from my son's room. I'm like, ok, it's one of his toys..but then I can hear it's a man just talking. So I run into my bedroom and make my boyfriend wake up...I'm screaming, "There's something going on in Jaysen's room! Please get up." I'm crying all hysterically like a nut job and he listens in my son's room and doesn't hear it.
As soon as he starts walking away, the guy started talking again and he finally hears it. So he snaps my son's light on and we can hear it and we're going through all his toys.
Turns out it was a walkie talkie under a bean bag nephew had been using it earlier that day and it was picking up some weird ass guy talking.
My boyfriend hugged me and said, "You're not allowed to watch scary movies ever again."