Did anyone else see them last night? They were quite spectacular, horizon to horizon east-west, and from the northern horizon to straight above. Mainly greenish and stringy looking, and then flickering like gentle sheet lightning. I think they should be visible tonight too if the sky is clear. Saw two meteors last night too.
Northern Lights?
by darkuncle29 11 Replies latest jw friends
I have always lived too far south to see them. I wish I could though.
I saw them and they were spectacular. My house is 1400 ft up a hill and they were so close it looked like they were on top of my house. Tonight is to be cloudy so i might not see them tonight . Darn
I didn't see them but heard others talking about it in a store this morning. We saw them last summer, while camping on Orcas Island. Green wavy lines. Cool.
El Kabong
I heard about it on the news last night. It even came as far down as Washington DC. However, in area's of Light Pollution, they can't be seen. I was so dissapointed that I didn't have a chance to see the Northern Lights. It's always been a lifelong dream to see this beautiful sight just once.
Perhaps one day.......
Ya see, it's the "last days"! It's all part of "the sign"!!
I never saw it - still hoping.
But I've seen the sea "lightning" several times and that is quite spectacular too, although from a different sourse.
Saw them here too !! They were great !!
I'll try to have a look here in Portland, OR. never seen it before and always wanted to!
Sea lightening? is that St. Elmo's fire?
I've seen the sunset's "green flash". It's not really a flash at all, but the sun and it's aura look bright grass or spring green as the sun hits and sinks in the horizon. Best seen on the beach or off-shore from a boat. Neat stuff.
The local news has pictures from viewers that saw them last night. Anxiously running outside every few minutes to see if I can catch a glimpse. We live on the north side of town where there's very little city lights. Saw the beginning of them a couple of years ago and husband (whose FROM Michigan) said it was an anomoly and to come inside. Later on, I heard there was a spectacular show that I MISSED! Hope to see them before I go to bed tonight.
Waiting expectantly.......