Americans - Let everyone know how sorry you are
by ignored_one 14 Replies latest social current
Hey, I have nothing to be sorry for...I voted for Kerry...
Although Bush won again, this was an amazing election because it was the HIGHEST voter turn out in about 35 years.
What does this tell me? That more and more people are paying attention in this country. This is important because maybe it will mean that more people will be involved in their LOCAL communites now. That is where much of the real change happens, and goes from there.
Maybe the rest of the world doesn't care about that, and that's okay. The feeling in this country these past six months, how many people that actually CARE about what is going on in politics here is amazing.
I don't owe the world an apology, and neither does any other American that actually voted on November 2nd.
Hey IO..bend over and let my boot apologize to yer Limey ass!!!!!!!!!! American mac:)
awesome site buddy, by page 20 i was almost in tears.
Hell no, I won't apologize. We did'nt elect Bush the first time, so this fear based election should'nt count. england DID however. elect Tony Blair. France, Germany, and Russia made deals AGAINST UN sanctions with Iraq, Everyone elses country's suck just as bad as mine, I'm not gonna wuss out like everybody else. The dem's were divisive, not "for Kerry" but "against bush" in which case you'll NEVER win. Damn. This has been one of the stupidest campaign's we've had. We have let both the Democrat's and Republicans steal the debates from the league of Women voters. We let them both steal the media for things that happened thirty years ago and have NO relevance today, especially with a war on.
As a matter of fact, i will apologize. For both sides appealing to fear and the lowest common denominator. And us letting it work. For letting Kerry come out with virtually NO issues, and a constantly changing platform, an using highbrow debate tactics that only work at a college debate. For allowing Bush' repetitive retarded rhetoric, and spending money like a drunken sailr (not a fiscally conservative thing to do. I'll admit, and apologize for them BOTH screwing up. HUGE. If Kerry had HALF a brain cell, he would of won. If the democratic party would have nominated someone who we could believe in, we would'nt be here. But, anymore, their virtually the same. The two party system is a myth. It's one, stupid, pocket lining special interest group. Look at your SELVES liberals. You beat yourself. Apologize for that, not your countrymen electing Bush. He was the easiest to beat since Nixon. AFTER his resignation. Damn. Even Ford was smarter than this chimp.
lol @ Avashi
I agree... kind of. I like Bush in office but that shouldnt really surprise anyone. 85% of the military and prior service voted for him.
I do agree with the f*ck you sentiment though. We have nothing to apologize for and if you all believe we do, feel free to kiss our collective asses.
Kansas District Overbeer
OK, pr, your a conservative? Even conservatives have a hard time with this guy. Look at his spending. Look at the Extra government he's putting on us. Geez. I'm for the republican ethic of LESS government. He's not my guy. They could have picked a better candidate too.
I'm actually a more liberal republican than anything else. A contradiction in terms, I know. I agree with alot that you have said but nothing in the world could have gotten me to vote for Kerry. There were many other options available, and I will say that Clinton was one of the best presidents in recent history. Its not a rep, dem, left, right, conservatibe, lib thing. Its simply a Kerry sucked as a candidate and between the 2 options I had, I would rather have Bush in office.
Kansas District Overbeer
I'm actually a more liberal republican than anything else
I'm probably more of a left leaning libertarian. Which put's us pretty close. I'm socially liberal, and fiscally conservative. I want to be able to have my gun. And Marijuana, if i liked it ( I don't, but I may want it for my seizures as the meds I'm on are even worse, but i digress as I prefer to be law abiding)
I want government to leave me the hell alone. I don't want people in office basing decisions on their faith. I want the poor taken care of before criminals are, or pork barrel politics, or special interests on both sides. This includes giving them jobs instead of handouts.
If you find a criminals DNA inside a child, I want them dead, period. Not appeals. If it's more ambiguous, fine, give them appeals, Quickly, but if it's an open and shut case....
. I want immigration reform instead of giving people here illegally liscenses. That's it for now.
I can truthfully say that I agree with every last thing you said! lol I dont have the excuse of meds or seizures but I like to have a smoke now and then myself. :D I like my guns, I hate the idea of having a commander that does what "God tells him to do". But sadly, I still think he was better than Kerry. *ducks*
Kansas District Overbeer