Circuit Overseer's Talk: " We need 5 meetings a week and weekly mags"

by truthseeker 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • gumby

    The CO said that a few had asked,

    1. "is it necessary to have 5 meetings a week, and a magazine every other week?"

    2. "Couldn't we do without one meeting a week, and have monthly editions of the Watchtower?", he then asked.

    A few had asked my ass. This smells of N.Y talk big time.....not "publisher" talk.

    Can you imagine any publisher dipshitty enough to ask a CO these questions? I can't. If only "a few" had asked, why then give the talk all over the planet? It's another way to introduce the baldbastards ideas on keeping their shitpile afloat.


  • kwintestal

    I remember a talk, several talks actually, where the importance of meeting attendance was important in order to form the habbit of going. Here was the reasoning given:

    It turns into a godly (good) habbit.

    In the future there will be a ban on religion by the governments.

    JW's will not be able to go to 5 meetings a week at the kingdom hall.

    JW's will have to meet secretly in private homes.

    At that time, the only way of finding out where the next meeting is planned for, you have to be at this meeting.

    Noone will discuss the meetings outside the meeting place.

    Basic thought: You miss one meeting = you miss all the meetings

    Basic fear-mongering by the WTS.


  • blondie

    If the meetings were so important, you would think that the elders would prepare better for them. I can remember one elder would waltz in the door to find out he had the instruction talk or a part on the service meeting. Or the book study overseer who admitted when to you when he can in that he hadn't read the material for that night.

    We got smart on Sundays, when we knew it was a particularly bad speaker, we would go somewhere out of town. Now we just don't go.

    I wonder what scripture says that the Christians went to 5 weekly meetings? Or how they managed to stay strong spiritually without the WT and Awake and other publications when they didn't even have the whole Bible?

    I always wondered why after going to meetings for 20 years, most JWs didn't know the names of all 66 Bible books, or couldn't recite 5 Bible scriptures from memory?


  • stillajwexelder

    AY come on Guys - you all should know by now, it is those bad publishers - it is ALWAYS their fault - it is never the fault of anybody in a position of power responsibility in the organization - of course we really need 6 meetings a week and how many more GB asses can I kiss?

  • blondie

    A recent CO announced to the congregations that he wished he could go to 10 meetings a week.

  • frankiespeakin

    I hear Jim Jones of the people temple was real big on meeting attendance and that he would go on and on wranting to the congregation for hours at these meetings all the member would be in this trance and under his control.

  • kwintestal
    Oh yeah, I also recall that when Jacob was bringing his family back home he would stop for the children and animals to rest. I often wondered why the gov. bod didn't follow that principle.

    This always bugged me - poor kids trying to sleep at the meetings on a school night because they started at 7:30 pm and there were no alternate times during the day/weekend. And then of course, there are the hard core elders who get ticked off because they think the kids should be awake and paying attention to the meeting - no books, no toys, no sleeping. At least churches offer programs for kids that aren't 2 1/2 hours long and are designed to make it fun. I can't blame our kids for not wanting to attend 6-10 hours of meetings every week plus field service - it's not in their nature to have to sit still and be quiet for that long, especially for the ones that have to spend all day in school as it is. Frankly I hated it too because of having to try to keep them quiet and still for that long! Stress!

    Mrs. Kwin

  • M.J.

    Yep. Cults are very big on constant indoctrination (immersion) in order to maintain this alternate reality they've crafted for the membership. Without this constant exposure, the alternate reality begins to fade. Contrast this with the math I learned back in school...haven't started to doubt it yet after all these years.

    Keeping members busy also falls under the cult mind control category of information control. This prevents them from taking time to check out alternate or critical viepoints.

  • free @ last
    free @ last

    This old thread is funny considering the reduction in meetings and magazines.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    it is. I hated those stupid analogies by the CO. Never made sense. Always took scriptures out of context.

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