How Long is a Piece Of String? How Far does the Crow Fly
How Long is a Piece Of String? How Far does the Crow Fly
by stillajwexelder 15 Replies latest jw friends
It dependends on the piece of string and the crow.
Ken P.
Is one end of the string attached to the other? Why does the crow fly?
What if the crow wasn't in fact flying, and was hopping as crows often do? What makes a string a string, and not a rope? You're just stringing us along on this one. After, we'll eat crow.
Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.
Excuse me, but
How long is a Chinese name.
cheeses - allowing you to decide whether that be a question or a statement.
How long is a Chinese name.
Aren't proper names capitalized?
Why is a crow called a crow? Does it crow? If it flies, should it not be called a fly? Does a string string? Plato would have wanted to know, wouldn't he?
Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.
That is true, but if the long were to be capitalized that would negate some of the deep thought required to reach a decision about whether the written words are a statement or possibly a question. Sure, I know a question needs a question mark, but...........
cheeses - just wishing to keep it simple.
You're right, questions end with question marks, so either you have trouble with punctuation, or trouble with proper capitalization.
Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.
No more brain teasers for you.
cheeses. Who is off to do some gardening.