Does it have to do with having been a Witness? The fact that you missed out in something?? What??
What's Your Biggest Disappointment In Life??
by minimus 54 Replies latest jw friends
That living forever on a paradise earth turned out to be a lie. As far as going to heaven when I die, I don't feel that either. I know that death awaits us all, after that, I just don't know.I am disappointed because no matter how hard I research the questions of, why am I here, where am I going and what is the meaning of life and death, all the scholars are divided on the answers to these questions. I find no solace in all of this, and the effect it has on all those I love and have loved who have passed on.
What about you Minimus?
probaby that the truth isn't the truth
I wish I had had different parents. As it is, although they are both still alive, I am an orphan.
The kingdom didn't come
God doesn't answer prayers
No true love in the JW org.
They discontinued my favorite shampoo
That people shun other people and say it is because they 'love them so much.'
I still can't believe people do that.... People I grew up with and love do that. I am very disappointed.
What's Your Biggest Disappointment In Life??
Not making a bigger contribution to society - I suppose there is still time - as a witness apart from cleaning windows you do not make a .contribution to civilization - I want to make abig contibution -- you know something like inventing the internet - on those sort of lines
I do wish that I had not been brought up as a JW. So many things would be different. Not a lot I can do about it now, so I just make life the best that I can now.
I'm dissappointed that i didn't learn to enjoy life a couple of decades sooner. Life is so much easier and simpler without the wt.