Don't you agree. I guess time will tell.
Survival of the fittest
by Tim Horton 14 Replies latest jw friends
I believe in Darwinian evolution so I suppose my honest answer is yes
Big Tex
Victory at all costs is hollow. Preserve humanity, kindness and the ability to show affection. Pass them on to others. It is so easy to be swallowed by the cold and have bitterness fill your soul.
If we find who we are supposed to be and then become that person, that is not only survival but revenge against those that tried to destroy us.
But what do I know?
Victory at all costs is hollow. Preserve humanity, kindness and the ability to show affection. Pass them on to others. It is so easy to be swallowed by the cold and have bitterness fill your soul. ....... But what do I know?
Judging from your comment about the only things worth knowing, in the final event. Though I understand the universal truth of the dicates of the 'survival of the fittest', they are not my friend and they never will be. As Charles Goodnight wrote, "rather lose all you have but keep your honor". Honor is a finger in the dyke of what is a brutal universe.
Best regards - HS
Survival of the fittest. This philosophy is practiced by the WTBTS. That's why I left.
While this is true, there is also a lot of cooperation in nature. Some examples:
1 Bees collect nectar and help flowers to pollinate
2 There those little teeth cleaner fish, who do the teeth of many different species
3 Elephants in herds look out for each other
4 Whales look out for each other
5 Alfalpha binds nitrogen in the soil that helps other plants
6 Barber birds who cut the hair of different furry species
i thought the phrase was " survivial of the fattest"
DOH! now i gotta go on a freakin diet
There's not really much to agree or disagree with. "Survival of the fittest" is a truism. It simply means that where survival is (at least partly)nonrandom, those best equipped to survive are the most likely to survive.
new light
Absolutely true, but "fittest" doesn't necessarily mean strongest or most ruthless or even smartest. The person who attracts allies and is loved deeply has a better chance of surviving hard times than someone who may be "fitter" but chooses to step on others. The selfish person who has lived only to secure wealth at the cost of his fellow human beings has nothing to fall back on if he loses his material goods, not to mention the fact that this person is less fit to survive bad times/illness due to a lack of love. On the other hand, the one who has invested in relationships based on mutual selflessness has not only lived a more meaningful existence, but has a strong safety net should this person hit hard times.
Absolutely true, but "fittest" doesn't necessarily mean strongest or most ruthless or even smartest.
This is a very important point. "Fittest" simply means best equipped to survive in the particular environment in which an organism finds itself.
On the other hand, the one who has invested in relationships based on mutual selflessness has not only lived a more meaningful existence, but has a strong safety net should this person hit hard times.
Yes, for social animals like humans, the environment includes other members of the species (or family or tribe or other such unit). Those who are fittest at social behaviour are likely to have an advantage over those who may otherwise seem fitter as individuals.