I had another visit from Witnesses at my door on Saturday, only the second time in the four years we?ve lived here.
A very nice young girl, it was, offering me the ?Keep on the Watch? magazine.
I let her make her pitch, which was mostly all about how terrible the world was today, and then just replied with enough interest for her to keep going, without giving anything away.
?Surely,? I said ?the world?s a MUCH better place today than at any time in the past. People live longer, they have healthier lives, we?re better fed, and today, most, or some at least, of the world is governed by benign democracies, not subject to some tyrant king or warlord.?
Having got a ?catch? she looked down the road, making contact with someone just beyond where I could see from inside the house, and in a moment or two we were joined by her husband, who came up to my door. Very nice chap, too.
Interestingly enough, he didn?t take over the call, he took a back seat and let her carry on.
The whole call only lasted three or four minutes before they were gone, but she said something I thought was really interesting, certainly something I?d never heard a Witness say before. This was her line on ?Where we are in the Stream of Time? .
It went like this:
?Look, we know that Man?s history on the earth is six thousand years long. The Bible tells us everything about the very beginning, which was with the first man, Adam, six thousand years ago. It?s here in the Bible book of Genesis, right at the very beginning.?
She had her Bible open at the very beginning, just the cover and contents pages on the left, all the rest of the book on the right.
?Then we have the history of the earliest people, and then all the dealings of the Jewish people over hundreds of years, all written down for us.?
Now she is flipping through the pages.
?Then, about two thousand years ago, Jesus is born? Now she is at Matthew chapter one. She says ?Can you see where we are now? Four thousand years have gone, two thousand to go, and we?re about two thirds of the way through the Bible, see??
Sure enough, we were! She continued:
?And now, today, after six thousand years, we are living in the Book of Revelation, the last Bible book.? She has flipped through almost the entire book and now only has a very few pages between her thumb and finger. ?Can you see how short the time is remaining? This is where we are now!? She shows me the thinness of the pages between her fingers, and finished in triumph:
?THAT?S how we know that the End is so close!?
Well, I took the brochure, but declined her kind offer of a free Bible Study.
Thing is, I had never heard this line of reasoning before. Is this the kind of dumbed-down thing they?re teaching at Kingdom Halls these days? Is it one of those things that?s orally taught but never written down in the publications? Or did she just make it up herself?
Anyone ever heard this ?explanation? of the End Times before?