I know they're desperate for new members for that annual service report; but she is wayyyyy too young to know what she's doing to her life. :( There should seriously be a minimum age for this.
My niece, age 13, got baptized this weekend
by starfish422 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
In the US (with a few exceptions)
Drive vehicle--16 (with parent signature)--18 without
Get married--16 (with parent permission)--18 without
Drink alcohol legally--21
Smoke tobacco products--18
Looks like 18 might be a good age for someone to decide if they want to be a JW.
Remember though that other religious baptize/confirm members under 18 too (not that it excuses the WTS pressure tactics)
Happy Guy :)
Remember though that other religious baptize/confirm members under 18 too (not that it excuses the WTS pressure tactics)
Yes this is true as I was "confirmed" as a Catholic age 13. There was no pressure to do this as it was somewhat of an insignificant event for me (and probably for others as well). We had absolutley no understanding or depth of understanding of what it all meant. At that age all we knew is that it would make our parents happy and it really was not difficult as it only required a couple of dozen classes. Some were incredibly boring and others were interesting as we learned about Martin Luther King and Mahatma Ghandi.
Like I said I had no depth of understanding of any significance to my Catholic confirmation at 13 years old. When I decided to not go to church anymore and (worse) profess my athiestic beliefs in my late teens, I was never denounced or shunned.
With the added punishment of shunning in the JW cult, 13 year old baptisms should not be compared so easily to what other religions allow. A 13 year old could not possibly make that kind of a decision and truly understand the consequences.
I agree Happy Guy
Happy Guy :)
I knew you would
The elders say that your baptism day is the most important day of your life. 13 is too young to make such an important decision.
franklin J
in 1969 I was baptized at 13.....I can tell you from my experience that it is WAY too young....
With the added punishment of shunning in the JW cult, 13 year old baptisms should not be compared so easily to what other religions allow. A 13 year old could not possibly make that kind of a decision and truly understand the consequences.
Exactly. When someone stops practicing another religion they don't lose their entire support structure. Catholic priests don't tell families to break up because of "spiritual endangerment".
A 13 year old cannot possibly understand the possible reprecussions that come with ones excercising their freedom of religion, or freedom from religion, if they choose to disbelieve watchtower doctrine later on in their lives. As an adult I didn't fully understand that until I found myself in that position. A child cannot possibly make an informed choice in this, especially considering the fact that ALL they know on the subject is what the watchtower has indoctrinated them with.
The minimum age for baptism should be 18. Maybe we should start writing to our local MPs and MPPs and pressure them to introduce legislation.
Sorry to hear this, Starfish. I'm probably going to see the same thing happen to my niece, who is 11 years old.
Young children have no business getting baptized so young. Not with so much at stake. They simply do not understand the ramifications afterwards if they decide to leave the organization.