Hello all. I am trying to locate a copy of Fritz Springmeier's book, "The Watchtower & the Masons". Can anyone help me locate a copy?
Watchtower and Masons book?
by Goodboy 21 Replies latest watchtower bible
All you need to do is Google the title.
Here is one site selling the audio tape.
Hi Goodboy, good luck with finding. haven't heard from you in a long time
I had this book once upon a time but havent seen it in a few years, maybe I lent it out or maybe its rotting somewhere in my house.
Anyway, when I first started reading it I was like ---yeah right!---but then I became quite interested and he does present a believable case, if you can get past the first couple of chapters you will start to enjoy, hope you get a hold of it.
The link to an audio version seems instead to be an interview, but I'll buy one anyway. Googling (duh) did not turn up any info that led me to a place I could buy a copy. It is my undrestanding that the author Fritz Springmeyer is in jail. Is this so? In an interview I read at http://www.whale.to/b/sp/springmeier1.html, he seemed pretty lucid. He mentions a conspiracy between the Watchtower and the LDS (Mormons). I find this very interesting. Well, if anyone can help me find this book, I'd be happy to scan it and post an analysis somewhere. In lieu of paying the author through regular channels, I imagine we could each contribute to Fritz's legal defense fund on our own. :^) Branda: Holland is sounding great right about now. How's your guest room?
Goodboy, you ain't "up-to-date" lots of Dutchies are considering to emigrate to Canada (overheard on the radio today) people are thinking it is'nt safe here any longer. (because of the fundamental Islamic murder and murderlists)
As for my guestroom: not existing - still kind of a mess here.
<Goodboy, you ain't "up-to-date" lots of Dutchies are considering to emigrate to Canada (overheard on the radio today) people are thinking it is'nt safe here any longer. (because of the fundamental Islamic murder and murderlists)> Yes, I read about Theo Van Gogh and I can only imagine how that event is polarizing the Dutch. Frankly I'm surprised they tolerated so much Islamic immigration anyway. What do you mean by murderlists?
The murder lists my mum is talking about are based on the letter left on Theo's body by his killer (left as in stabbed on his chest with a knife). In the letter Mohammed B. threatens Ayaan Hirsi Ali, one of our politicians. Besides this letter, a hit list that supposedly circulates among suicide commandos has been published in some newspapers. This hit list however has not been confirmed by the AIVD, our national security service, as an authentic one.
However, real or not, the threat is considered real enough for the security service to have put Ayaan Hirsi Ali, and Geert Wilders (also a politician) in safe houses with a 24 security squad around them. Also many more people have been given security from the government.
All in all, hatred is flaring up against the Muslim community. Mosques have been the targets of arson, as have Islamic schools. The Muslim community in its turn reacted with horror on the murder of Theo, but after some Moroccan youth managed to be stupid enough to state sentiments as "he had it coming!" and "See! Allah will punish..." they kind of ruined the believability of the statement they are horrified by it. And then, much to our horror, churches were the target of arson as well. Which naturaly only intensified the hatred felt.
Quite possible this will turn out into a war between religions. Or we Dutch will swallow our comments, bottle everything up and be "tolerant" about our new land occupier ....
How's life on your side of the Great Pond?
Goodboy, I myself have been trying to get the book. It's author was framed for bank robbery and is sitting in prison on the State of Oregon. Try contacting his wife. If you get a copy let me know.
Patricia Springmeier
700 Bl., #126