still clinging to the hope that the brothers would have some kind of help for people like me.. seeking encouragement etc..
the only talk that stood out and that made me totally angry was a talk about forgiveness and how in the new system king david would be resurrected along with the man he had killed so he could have his wife... and how the man that was killed would have to forgive david or would lose his chance at everlasting life.
1. why would they even speculate on stuff like this
2. how the heck did that help ME or anyone else
3. if i was the fella i'd be resurrected just to kick king davids ass.
4.i was INFURIATED at the comment in the talk " if (was his name uriah?) can forgive King David this horrible offense why cant we forgive those that hurt us the most"
so why wait on jehovahs justice if its up to the victims to forgive their offender or DIE?
anyone else remember this talk?