Rutherfords burial site...

by TheApostleAK 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • VM44


    Len Chretien was ripped off? What happened?
    The movie has been around for quite some time, and still is available for
    purchase. I thought he would have at least broke even by now.


  • Farkel


    : I remember reading in another thread today that Beth Shan was located right next-door to Beth Sarim. Or is that incorrect?

    That is incorrect. In fact, if you saw the neighborhood, 4440 Braeburn is a gigantic mansion compared to the neighboring homes on that cul-de-sac and all the surrounding streets in the Kensington neighborhood of San Diego.

    I very recently crawled behind Beth Sarim and tried to see Beth Shan over the huge canyon that separates them. (Jan G was right: it IS across the canyon and about 1/2 mile away to the East.)

    So much development has happened in San Diego in recent years that If I COULD have seen Beth Shan I was too clueless to recognize it. That is why I need an exact address. I'm certain that it is in Alvarado Estates, but that is now a closed (and guarded) gated community. I recently went there and showed a picture (a colorized 1945 photo) of Beth Shan to the guard and she told me that no such house was in that community. The photo was 56 years old. No wonder she didn't recognize the home. I still think it is in that neighborhood.

    I will continue to plod on....I WILL find Beth Shan. Trust me! It's not as easy these days as when JanG and Ed Gruss made that trek, but I will find it and post pictures! I promise!


  • Jang

    As I said, one of the investors ripped all the others off actually, but since Lan had been the one who had got them into it, he was the one who lost out because he insisted in making sure they all got their money back at least.

    Don't forget that it is the film makers who get the best deal.

    What stunk is that the investor and the film maker were supposedly Christian brethren of Len and Marj ......

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  • VM44


    I don't think Beth-Shan exists anymore. Perhaps the bomb shelter under
    the "goat's barn" might still exist.

    Details when Beth-Shan was demolished might be in the book,
    "Jehovah's Witnesses: Their Monuments to False Prophecy"

    A good online article is at:


  • nelly136

    am curious about the name of Beth Shan,
    would any of russels interests in pyramids
    have had anything to do with the naming of it?


  • Fredhall

    Do you guys need a pitch fork and a shovel to find his body? And when you guys get done looking for his body start searching for Moses body.

  • Farkel


    : Details when Beth-Shan was demolished might be in the book,
    "Jehovah's Witnesses: Their Monuments to False Prophecy"

    I have the book and I've spoken with Ed Gruss the author. He last visited the site in 1997, I believe. He made no mention that it was demolished either in our phone conversations or in his book. When he gets back from vacation, I will get the exact address from him.


    Beth Shan means "House of Security" in Hebrew. This is a fitting name for a home with two bomb shelters, don't you think?


  • larc


    I too was under the impression from something I read that Beth Shan was torn down. Perhaps, I misread it, and it was only the outbuildings that were torn down. Also, I got the impression the two properties connected at least in the front of the property and the mansions themselves were sat back a good distance from the road and were seperated by a canyon.

  • sf

    There has GOT to be tunnels then!

  • sf

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