A husband can divorce his wife, but a wife can't divorce her husband?

by hubert 18 Replies latest social family

  • blondie

    There is a trend in alcoholic families, nondrinking wives stay with alcoholic hubands 9 out of 10; with nondrinking husbands only 1 out of 10 stay with the alcoholic wife.

    I notice that the "brothers" tend to encourage JW wives to take the abuse and unhappiness and stay; while the JW husbands are told that that if their wife does not have sex with them they are not held very accountable if they commit adultery.

    There are exceptions in every case....


  • Poztate
    Man and woman alike can divorce. Man and woman alike can remarry if they have so-called "scriptural grounds" ("fornication"). Only if either remarries without such grounds will s/he be df'd.

    The other case where you would be DFed is if after your "non scriptural" divorce you had SEX with your former spouse.I don't know what the charge would be but you would be booted out.That's what I heard happened anyway...any comments or personal experiences ???

  • stillajwexelder

    wrong - porneia allows man or woman to divorce

  • Coqueton

    Out here in Cali the ones goin nuts and doin the deed are the sisters!

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    Being inside, and as I understand it, you're definitely wrong in this regard.

    Divorce is allowed, although never encouraged, from either side on grounds of adultery only. I have heard of some cases in which the woman is strongly admonished to forgive and stay in the marriage if it's the case that the husband commits adultery, as opposed to husbands strongly bullied by other men inside to divorce the wife if it's her that commits the adultery. Much too much machismo among male hispanic JWs, as I see it.


  • darkuncle29

    But if he wont "render due" because he's gay, and she divorces him, she gets DF'd because she didn't str8ten him out. I hate F----D UP religions, oh wait, that's all of them.

  • Fleur
    I notice that the "brothers" tend to encourage JW wives to take the abuse and unhappiness and stay; while the JW husbands are told that that if their wife does not have sex with them they are not held very accountable if they commit adultery.

    Yup. That pretty much sums it up.

    And they told me I should "be a better wife and pray more" and not "be like Job's wife."

    I'd like to tell them now where they can stuff their watchtowers...

  • upside/down

    AGREED- When I was in Cali the sisters (or is it sista's) were indeed the ones doing the "deed"- again and again and again. They were off the charts! I witnessed stuff that I have only seen in bad soaps and really cheesy porno- all real. Good thing I married "only in the lord".

    The joke was watching the inconsistency of "punishment". If you were "dialed" in and related (inbred) to "big shots", or had $$$, you got a slap on the wrist.

    But if not you got the book thrown at you!

    Pity really


  • mkr32208

    friend in vegas just got in "trouble" over new years her hubby won't forgive her his loss she's very very hot and he's a wimpy little dick... I hope she gets df'd so maybe I can get her on this site!

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