This is too funny:
In view of the vast numbers of loyal brothers associating with God?s congregation today, likely it will be seldom that Christians are obliged to ?mark? a disorderly brother.
So then why do they do it all the time?
Notice that being loyal (to the Organization) = ineligibility for "marking". However, disloyalty, in the various forms it takes:
- questioning doctrine
- boycotting meeting attendance and field service
- publicly embarrassing JWs as harbouring pedophiles (ie, Dateline, the fifth estate, Panorama)
- asking about the WTS's UN-NGO status
- talking about unloving treatment at the hands of other JWs
- taking a job that interferes with meeting attendance/field service participation
- taking courses to prepare for a job that may interfere with meeting attendance/field service participation (and pays you better than what the Alpha-elder earns)
- being outspoken about unethical practices among elders (particularly if you do not have a penis, in which case you will also be called a "Jezebel" in addition to being "marked")
is grounds for being "marked".
Love, Scully