I'm going to try it for the sake of MYSELF.
From this day onward. I'm going to try and stay away from ANYTHING JW related.
This includes this board.
I've made SO MANY friends on this board... But I'm going to give it a try and stay away.
I won't even check this thread.
If I can't handle it, I'll come back... But it will be at least 6 months from now.
But I think it's time for me to fly here.
I'm kind of like a college kid ready to cut his ties, but I know I need to do this.
Guys, know that you really helped.
Simon - thanks. I've been hard on you at first, but all in good fun.
Thank you Brummie, Da Cheech, Lady Lee, Blondie and too many to thank.
But I'm WELL at this point and ready to move on.
Won't read this thread. But LOVE YOU ALL.
I'm going to try to go... Confucious' Farewell...
by Confucious 18 Replies latest jw friends
I hope you never have to come back and can move on .
Its been nice having you. If you decide to come back and say hello, we will be here. I truly hope that everything goes well for you and I applaud you in your decision to walk away from all things JW. You are starting a new chapter in your life and you do not need to be tied down by bad memories any longer.
Hope this is more of a see you later than a good bye
Kansas District Overbeer
Confucious I wish you well
Big Tex
Be well and keep 'em flying.
Good luck Con!
Happy trails, confucious! You were also a great help to many here, too!
See you if/when you return... (if I'm still around! )
Hey Con,
I can understand you wanting to go. Your reasons are clear. However, I, too, left the forum and said my "Goodbye" speech. Then, Shutterbug brought to my attention that it wasn't just about me. I had been helped so much here - perhaps I should think about helping others, in turn! You know what! He was dead right!!
It's ok to move. It's ok to leave and start life anew. Just don't go for good, because you've so much experience and knowledge that could help some other poor soul - someone who was just like you! Pop in once in a while. You won't be tied - and think how great you'll feel when you know you've genuinely helped someone get their sanity and life back. I've seen it done many times here.
Yes, there are so many other things outside of JWD. I haven't been posting as much as I used to - but most of you know why! I feel good, so I'm here to help. When I don't feel so good, well, I'll wait 'til I'm feeling good again. In the meantime, someone is always here to help lift the downtrodden up. I'll never forget that. Thanks, Shutterbug!
See you soon, Con.
I will miss you; I love your posts.
Take a break; maybe you can come back later.
Love, Blondie