I don't quite know that I would ever be in a position to respond to the Christmas Police, because I would not invite them in to discuss any such matter.
it would be totally ridiculous to accuse me though, I do not believe in Jesus in any religious sense, so would not celebrate his birth.
Celebrate a Pagan festival ? well I may have many of the trappings around at that time of year, lots of good food, lots of drink, pretty lights, friends to enjoy these things with me etc etc, but again, I do not believe in any pagan gods, so what am I doing wrong exactly, according to the Bible ?
Idolatry involved the participant believing in the said god or goddess, merely eating the meat sacrificed to such gods was O.K according to Paul, and my bloody great Turkey was not even sacrificed to a god.
What a lot of blathering nonsense the JW's go in for, they would spend time trying to chuck out someone who hangs a few lights on his house in mid-winter, but will cover up the crimes of Paedophiles.