Thanks for your comments everyone.
Yes, its about the time that you realize that the cage they had you in was only an illusion, that their power over you was imaginary and whatever "reprecussions" they would dole out to get you to do what they wanted were meaningless. When I ceased to care about what they did or thought then they ceased to have any power over me.
Exactly. When I now see any of the elders I almost feel embarrassed for them, because they can't understand I don't recognize their WTS-given "authority" and there's nothing I can do to get this message across to them - even when I'm rude they just pretend nothing happened and call me a week later to remind me about the service report
As for the field service report?, you can always tell them you "make your sacrifice to God in secret", and he will "reward you in secret". What's the point in "blowing your trumpet ahead of you" as the pharises did?
hehe. My beard makes any excuses incredible, though So I guess I'll simply be honest in this particular respect.
I got tired of it quite quickly. The way I see it, what can they do? The majority of my family now aren't JW's, and I have no long term ties to any JW's around here.
I too arranged things quite nicely with the few JW members of my family that I care about.
It was in this time i discovered this site and others and read crisis of conscience which i would never have done if i had been at the meetings and still had my fire and brimstone attitude.But even then i decided to go back and give it a bash and put everything to the back of my mind. But i simply cant; everything i have read about the watchtower just tells me that this is not the truth even though i truly believe that the rank and file are sincere people just as i was in my faith.
This site has had a therapeutic effect on me as well. I mean when you've read dozens of similar experiences of people from all around the world, you become 100% convinced that no sentiment should hold you back on your way out of the WT land.
But i have now made up my mind that this is really it ; i am just going to fade away ,try and meet some new friends and get on with my life. I am going to tell my wife any day now my position, the real reason . Also i will get round to telling my mother who is a complete zealot that i am not going back. With the elders i will just tell them that i dont feel like going as the moment or something to that effect. Yes my decision is to fade away and over the years people will get used to it, wether they like it or not. ( a lesser of 3 evils in their eyes)
I hope sooner or later you will get just as bored and sick with the JW doctrines being imposed on yourself that it will made your fading process as fun as possible (despite family problems).
I'm another one out of the borg. Even if I die tomorrow, I won't die a slave to WTS. What a relief!