Were You "Happy To Be Persecuted"?

by minimus 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • lazyslob

    Were You "Happy To Be Persecuted"? No!

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    What reaction do JWs rightly expect when they sneer at other people's cherished customs and holidays, etc., or thrust their quirky no-nos (no birthdays, no extracurricular sports or school clubs, etc. ad nauseum) or bait them with their intolerant denigration of their cherished beliefs?

    Actually, the prevailing reaction of the rest of society toward JWs is best characterized by a sort of bemused tolerance tinged with a degree of annoyance whenever they attempt to foist their tiresome mantra at them on Saturday mornings. Hatred? To their chargin, I don't think JWs elicit that much of it.

  • blondie


    I was able to be different in school and work and not be persecuted. It helped I moved a lot and have good peacemaking skills. It doesn't help that JWs are taught to be contemptuous of non-JWs.

    I had enough "persecution" from my abusive parents.

    Blondie (not the persecuted class)

  • minimus

    Room said JWs "sneer" at others. No wonder they are "persecuted". No one likes being "sneered" at.

  • undercover

    I remember having the police called on our car group one Saturday morning. A couple of older sisters were quite upset as was another MS. I (an MS at the time) was enjoying it. I really thought that since I was doing what Jehovah wanted us to do that even if we were arrested(we were in a private, gated community that forgot to close the gate, lol) that I had no reason to feel guilty or ashamed. It was like a badge of honor.

    I had forgotten about that experience until I read the name of this thread and that whole memory came flooding back. I'm embarrassed now that I ever thought that way. How stupid could I have been? Proud to be arrested? God, what an idiot I was. Of course we weren't arrested, just kicked out of the community. It was the typical good cop, bad cop scenerio. One was nice and just asked us to leave and go somewhere else. The other one was irritated by us. He wanted to charge us with trespassing. I guess he had experience with JWs before, lol. And the really stupid part was that since we were in there illegally, the WTS would not have lifted one sorry finger to help. I didn't know that at the time, but knowing now makes me feel even more ridiculas for trusting in that despicable organization.

    Mind control is a very real thing with this organization. You really see it once you're out.

  • minimus

    Yes Undercover, you were an idiot (then).

  • mouthy

    Well Of course!! As Flower says I was one of the braindead.... Used to walk into the Kingdom Hall ( Hell) with my black eyes my hubby gave me.Was commended by the elders.... After all they said. "Look at all our brothers & sisters in concetration camps, Jail etc. At least Grace your free to move around & go preach the word"

    Excuse me while I go throw up!!!!

  • undercover
    Yes Undercover, you were an idiot (then).

    Still am. Especially after a few

  • minimus

    Grace, those comments wanna make me puke too!

  • undercover
    Used to walk into the Kingdom Hall ( Hell) with my black eyes my hubby gave me.Was commended by the elders.... After all they said. "Look at all our brothers & sisters in concetration camps, Jail etc. At least Grace your free to move around & go preach the word"

    Another memory flashback...

    You're persecution reminds me of a faithful older sister in my hall when I was a kid. Dear old woman had a terrible husband. He hated JWs and did everything he could to stop her from going to meetings and service. I was scared to death of that guy. I thought he might try to hurt us kids. She was in our book study and our families took turns picking her up for meetings. Her husband would sit on the porch and watch. We'd come home and her clothes and books/mags would be in the yard. Who knew what went on behind closed doors after we left. Thinking about that, all we did was drop her off. Didn't do anything else. Just left her to deal with it. What great people we were.

    This dear old sister put up with this abuse for decades. The elders gave her the same dribble that you quoted. Remembering back, I remember the elders always giving her "encouragement". No doubt it was to tell her she had to stay with him. When the old bastard finally did die, the congregation actually rejoiced. The friends actually congratulated her for remaining faithful to Satan's persecution. It was as if she had just won eternal life on a paradise earth or something. Of course, outside of picking her up for meetings and service, none of the friends really did anything to help all those years. And then we rejoiced when he died. I guess because now she could drive herself to the meetings.

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