I still haven't got mine. But I think the hubby had a good sense of humor when he thought of Tim Horton. I mean how fitting for an Ex JW. Lol panther
How did you come up with your name-JW forum(funnies please)
by Tim Horton 17 Replies latest social humour
Hi Panther - mine isn't humorous so I'll spare you! But I think this got posted at a very busy time on the board, and so got missed.
Mine is actually my real name. A few people think that fact is very funny. My last name is actually Busselman. I live near Sioux Falls South Dakota and I have been full blown shunned since I first noticed the shunning in November of 1992. I left the group in 1974 and was a believing walkaway until the shunning started.
The shunning motivated me to read Crisis Of Conscience and then a couple hundred other related books to round out my education. Since I am shunned by everybody important to me already, I have nothing to loose by going public with my experiences with the Witness people.
I am a rather funny person in person and my writing takes turns down humor alley on more than a few occasions. Mostly here I seem to let my rational side control the keyboard. GaryB -
well........i wanted a name that portrayed the fact that i'm batshit crazy...something other than batshit crazy cuz i didnt think that name would go thru lol
All my weapons of desire are ballistic in nature. I favor the rocket launcher and the redeemer, which is basically an inter continental ballistic missle. One day I fell down a hole and spent an hour shooting upwards and the blood and guts falling on my head was like rain landingon my head. The sound of that was most amazing. I was named ballistic years before this, but I wont go into the full reason on a public message board or you might think I'm a bit strange.
Well, when I first got here my Awake-based "college education" was all I had goin' for me........
"Hillbilly" (derived from the Latin, hillus billius) was the most intellectual sounding moniker I could muster..............
As those who have spent time around me can confirm, I look and act like a badger
I am a big flirt and also speak Spanish. Coqueton means big flirt in Spanish. My Spanish game is off the hook. Now the pic is a pic of a Zapatista rebel from Chiapas, Mexico. Kind of funny because I have blonde hair and blue eyes. I'm also in the Caribbean alot and much tanner than many Mexicans I meet. The people from Chiapas, Mex are dark so I tease them and say I'm a Mexican from Chiapas and a Zapatista rebel. Could be true as their leader is supposedly anglo and I am fluent in Spanish.
I chose Melba Toast from way back. My real name is Melanie and I have always had people make fun of my name (Melonhead, Melancholy, etc) so melba toast just kind of fits like an old sock.
Plus, I have been toasted on more occasions than I care to remember, and of course Its a cracker (just like me) Just Kidding.
My .02
I start each day with a cup of black coffee. Ordered through a drive through it's "coffee...black". Gets the brain cells working....hmmmm...think I'll go make a cup now...