Well I was on a mission. When this friend on mine started wondering about my virtual disappearance from meetings. I decided to shed some light on her worn out eyes. I started with simple things that were evidently incongruent. She called me crazy and rebellious but I knew a seed was planted and growing. I simply stated over and over: Why does Jehovah seem to have different standards for his people on different parts of the globe? She knows witnesses from different nationalities. Also I asked: Why the JWS had the most improbable answer when dealing with the key doctrinal issues? Of course she had to come to the rescue of her faith. We started debating on a daily basis about the truth. Then came the scholars and their lengthy discussions over doctrinal points. She didn?t buy it. One day she said that I couldn?t prove her wrong besides quoting apostates. I recalled the burden of proof principle? "Well JWS say Jesus didn?t die on a cross? You just convince me he didn?t and I?ll be back in the hall in a flash" She could only quote the WT and really dubious scholars as support. She changed the subject for many weeks ?til she had to admit she didn?t have a shred of evidence. End of the story: She is addicted to this site, reading Mr. Ray Franz avidly and currently (even before me) posting here. Now a days I know non of the high profile doctrinal debating really did the job. It was by pinpointing the things she already knew that she was tempted to research. Otherwise the issue from the cross had never even scratch the surface. Recently on a post I was referred back to the "KISS theory" (Keep It Simple Sweetie) for the 607 B.C. date and realized that she was set in motion because of simple inconsistencies she constantly overlooked. Can we list things that are obviously fishy so we can casually mention them to our relatives and friends still in Org for them to realize and assimilate what they already know and are in denial of? I really mean things that are not enough to get us into trouble but sufficient to spark the wise some research more. I think a summary of this kind may help some out there who are battling with loved ones and don?t have a clue how to start without getting in trouble. At least it worked with her. I?ll start myself: 1) Why does watching R rated movies can be enough to get your privileges taken away in the States but is not so strictly enforced elsewhere? 2) Why does one have to blame human imperfection for the mistakes of brothers and praise the Org and jehovah for their good deeds? (This is my first post. Thanks for the support to all you outthere during these difficult times.) Atlas
My 11 month ordeal is paying dividends...
by _Atlas 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
i'm waiting on the franz books to arrive in the mail myself.. gonna be an interesting read i'm sure.
having someone to talk to in person about doubts and these issues must be great.. i dont have anyone . so your one up on a lot of us!
welcome to you and your friend..
Hey Atlas, welcome. Why are you talking about me??? Just kidding you know
If I didn?t tell you before (I should now), THANKS for your motivation for me search the truth and your patience, but you?re still crazy anyway.She is addicted to this site, reading Mr. Ray Franz avidly and currently (even before me) posting here.
And all this is thanks to you too. Well let me cooperate with the list: Why shouldn't we call birhtdays "anniversaries" instead? After all they are spoken off favorably on the Bilbe...
It was by pinpointing the things she already knew that she was tempted to research.
That is an interesting piece of information. Honest curiosity is a powerful catalist. -
Your sugesstions are good ones. Even though I'm not DF'd or DA'd the people I meet are afraid to talk and have been clearly convinced to shun me...makes encouraging critical thinking a little tough.
Double Edge
Even though I'm not DF'd or DA'd the people I meet are afraid to talk and have been clearly convinced to shun me
Well, that doesn't seem biblical or loving. Seems like they've just disproved their own religion.
Another to add to the list:
Why do they say that you can only EARN your salvation by performing good works when the theif on the cross next to Jesus earned his by simply professing his faith?Why do they say that it is wrong to rely upon your own understandings of the Bible when they openly admit in the Proclaimers book that the found of their cult reread the Bible with an open mind and no preconcieved notions and relied upon his own understandings of what it said?
Why do they say things (like holidays) that have unholy, pagan or spiritistic origins are forever deemed as being demonic regardless of the current face they put on it? Why do they say this about holidays when it is so obvious that the WTS has unholy, spiritistic beginings? Bad origins regardless of how nice it is now doesn't change the fact that it was evil when it started so this would have to include the WTS. (Have her investigate Russel and Ritherford's teachings and how they were into numerology and astrology. Have her investigate Russel's involvement with the Freemasons.
Why do they say that you can only EARN your salvation by performing good works when the theif on the cross next to Jesus earned his by simply professing his faith?
Excellent questions you post Crinklestein, especially the one above.See questions like these, in my experience, place JWS on their toes and make them analyze the facts for a while until they refer to the official position on the subject.
In the process they formulate their own ideas and some of them are not entirely satisfied with the party line.
Hopefully I?ll repost in the future and maybe we can gather together a longer list that can be easily referenced by readers with a "mission".
Thanks to all
Atlas -
Both of you, Welcome to the board!
Here are some more questions to the list:
Where were the "governing body" during the 1900 years before Russel came to the scene?
Did it cease to exist during that time?
If it didn't why didn't Russel look for it when he started his "Bible studies"?