Truth is found from personal experience and exploration. Jesus said to search for truth like hidden treasure continually... he didn't say to stop. Yet it seems a lot of people in religions stop searching and just let their religion spoon feed them.
Welcome unfettered. Interesting thoughts. I was not raised a JW, but had always been a searching sort of person. I had many interesting and somewhat spiritual realizations before becoming a JW, but had to let any of those ideas and explorations go after I joined up with the Org. (In fear of the demons you know.) It is good to be free again to think and explore new thoughts and ideas out of the WT box.
Thanks Blondie, I think this whole subject of paradise is the big carrot that drew me into the JWs and kept me there for several years, even though many of the teachings went against my grain so to speak. If it wasn't for this teaching of paradise I don't think the religion would have gone very far--the JW religion is just too dull and uninteresting otherwise. I imagine this carrot will be dangled more and more as the JWs continue to slow down and get "discouraged" by their religion. I truly believe it is what keeps most people there and what attracts so many into the religion. It's sad to lure people with such a hope and then use it to control them into doing other things that they would not normally want to do.