Hello everyone,
I haven't been in here a long while, due to illness. I still am quite sick and I needed to let all of you know that I think of you all everyday and hope you haven't forgotten me.
It is like my morning caffeine, I need it need it need it.
With the holidays here for the American Thanksgiving and next, Christmas , my most favourite time of the year. I am trying to get my Chrirtmas Cards out. If I forgot you last year I am sorry, be kind if you want a card from me just send me a message. I would love to add you to my yearly list.
I see there are a lot of new ones here and of course I hope that I can catch up with alot of reading. I am still not doing good and at this time wishing I had a lap top so I can do my work but I guess, I am hoping some one will give me one for Christmas Haha..
Well dear ones please keep in touch. with me even by regualr mail or phone numbers. I believe that Scully can provide that with those who want it. I give Scully permisssion to give it at her discretion.
Well I love all of you