Funeral for JW Shot to Death

by Kenneson 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • HappyDad

    johnny cip,

    Just what the hell kind of assinine statement is this?

    well this guy worked for the united states postal serv. so he was a hypocrite.

    What does working for the postal service have to do with anything?

    I will call you an asshole for this statement but I will also express my apologies if you have some other agenda for making such a call.

    Working for the post office NEVER was a restriction for being a JW, so why say that?

    Some of you almost sound like you are happy that this man died JUST because he is a JW.

    It wasn't but a few months ago that someone was deleted from this forum for making a similar statement but without as much venom as is posted about this case.


  • czarofmischief

    Good on ya, happydad. You tell im!

    I knew a couple postal workers - cip, you obviously aren't a witness and never were.


  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    well i know the post office is a gov't agency, just like the army is. it was ok for the wt to tell the jw that worked for coca cola . he needed to get another route b/c he delivered soda to an army base. remember that one!!!!!!!!!! assholes. so when did the the UNITED STATES POST OFFICE , stop delivering letters to army bases. one delivers soda. but was going to get df'ed . but the one 's that deliver the mail are different. double standard. does the jw that workes at the local post office , say to someone sending a package to her son in the navy. "i can't process your mail" because i'm no part of this world. hypocrites. does the city bus driver. a gov't job. like my dad. that has to drive past the army base. tell the soldiers he can't take them to the base because he's no part of this world. my dad is a hypocrite. do the poineers that are on welfare, or ssi. say i'm well enough to walk the streets every day pushing wt DOPE. so don't send me my gov't welfare check b/c i'm really working for jehoovers gov't . no they are HYPOCRITES. why did the wt take gov't $$$$$ from new york state when they built thier power plant in patterson b/c the wt is a hypoCRITE. and so are the jw's . any way you slice it ,anyone that takes a city, county, state, gov't job is working to inhance this system of things hence HYPOCRITES. i don;t care what the wt allows and don't. when you say you are no part of this system and you work for it your a HYPOCRITE . and alot of x jw's here blind in many respects. czar your right i was never a jw. i saw right tho there bulllshit when i was 9 years old. but i still have to put up with hypocrite jw family members 35 years later. some who have been living off the u.s. gov't for the last 20 years . while cursing it. hypocrites. flea man i've been hereing that line about now they have the hope of the ressurection for 35 years. better they died before the big A . IN fact the non believer should be happy b/c the big A is right around the corner. sorry fleaman i guess the jw's i've known for years , are just assholes. john

  • HappyDad

    Johnny cip,

    You are the type of person I would LOVE to have a one on one "conversation" with. The things you say are sooooooo stupid (guess it coincides with your own stage of development) that it reminds me of the idiotic crap that was uttered about the witnesses (and I agree that some of it is true) from the 1940's thru the 1960's. And that tells me that you don't have a clue as to what JW's are about and what idiotic crap they actually said.

    You are so off base that you could be in a sci fi forum with the people who say they were abducted and taken to the planet anal barf.

    Please get your info straight before you make a fool out of yourself.

    Most people on this forum are very intellegent and you certainly don't add to the equation.

    SO...........IF YOU DON'T GET A LIFE..........AT LEAST GET SOME EDUCATION of what JW have been and are about before you print lies.

    Yep........unless I get axed from this group.........I intend to not be a nice guy anymore.........THE BEAST HAS AWAKENED............and will speak his mind instead of being milk toast.

    If you make statements that show you are an asshole...........I will be after you.................COME AND GET ME..........if you dare.

    I can appreciate and tolerate everyones opinion but will not tolerate complete ignorance. We are all here for support.......and illiteracy and lies and Jerry Springer and Maury Povich type mentality do not lend to anything positive.

    HappyDad ( of the angry and on a kick ass mode to tell idiots off class)

  • sf

    Yep yep johnny, that about sums up the total hypocrisy of this organization and its creed: WE ARE NO PART OF THIS WORLD AND ITS SYSTEM OF 'THINGS'.

    Well said my friend.


  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    happy dad : trust me i know more about the wt than 75% here. and the ones that know more than me , ARE true wt scholars. if you would like to talk to me , just pm me your phone number. i'll call you and we'll discuss wt teachings. we can talk about any time in wt history ..and we'll see who's ass get kicked . after 30 minutes on the phone , i'll have you bouncing off the walls with stuff you never heard, you may learn something. i can open next to any wt publication and find dozens of lies, contradictions, deceit, etc in the course of 3 paragraphs. i look foward to talking with you . or i'll look foward to making you look like a fool on the board , when you stick your foot in your mouth. john,,

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