Since we were indoctrinated that those leaving the organiztion had their lives turn into sh*t until they "returned to Jehovah (the organization), how would you say things have turned out--so far??
Are You Surprised As To How You Are Now That You're Out of The "Truth"?
by minimus 56 Replies latest jw friends
Life is good. Freedom rocks.
The Thinker
I feel FANTASIC. And I've never felt like I was more christain then I am right now. I have a better relationship with my creator and humanity. Althought I still go to JW meetings, I am like an outsider looking in, and I can see all the emotional illness's and why they are like that.
Only surprised that I fell for that crap in the first place.
Watched my wife just go through half her wardrobe picking out a meeting outfit just this morning. While I sit back here and associate with all you filthy poztates.
out4good3......part of the "lying down with dogs and getting up with fleas" class....
I think the question more fitting for myself is: Are you surprised as to WHO you are now that you're out of the "truth".
Thing is, I now know WHO I am. I have an identity seperate and different from everyone else, and that's OK! I don't have to be like everyone else if I choose not to be.
for me and my siblings things have turned out fairly well.
i'm happily married with 4 cute kids, just bought a house. and i've join a really cool church which i highly enjoy. life is not perfect but it's pretty good
my brother's married, no kids except his dogs, has his own business, survived the dot com bust, just bought his second house.
my sister has a great job, just found out she's pregnant, and is doing fine, she's one smart cookie.
Life is good
Mrs Jones
Things are great. I have to be careful that I don't end up busier than I was as a JW. At least I know my time is being well spent now.
This morning was great again...waffles and bacon with juice and coffee, prepared by Irrev.
I hated it that every morning I had to get up. Now I really have a weekend with mornings free to do what I want.
And unlike many non-JWs, no JWs waking me up either....
im still as isolated out as i was in.. so no change there.the only main difference is i'm not spastic over trying to look happy even though i'm miserable..if i feel like crap then i look like crap! deal with it
What shocks me more is the fact that my elder dad and gung ho mom are both out!
Never been happier, more confident, had better relationships and more love than I do now that I am out of the org. The org blows.