May you have peace!
At the risk of offending those who believe political correctness trumps truth, I must say to you that all "religions" are "false lights" set up by the Adversary to "mislead, if possible, even the chosen ones." How is that? In that there is only one True Light, the Son of God. God... is a Spirit... and does not dwell in handmade temples... but in the "Body" of His Christ, people who are "living stones" that make up the "temple of God." The Head of this Body is His Son, my Lord, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, and it is only through that One that one can "enter" into the spirit realm in a "right" way (all others who enter some other way are thieves and plunderers). While it is true that one can enter into the spirit realm with him, he is the "Door", the "Narrow Gate," the "Way," through which all... who are seeking the face of the True God... must enter.
You might ask "If ALL religions are false, why did God set up Judaism?" Well, actually, He didnt. He did set up a "form of worship" for the Israelites to follow, due to their LACK OF FAITH (which later became "Judaism" as a result of the false prophets); however, had the Israelites been able to exercise faith in Him and simply follow the True Light that He sent before them... my Lord... without grumbling, complaining, murmuring... or doubting... (which really shouldn't have been a problem, given the plagues they saw upon Egypt)... He would never had had need to set up the "system" they had to follow as a result. Because they couldn't walk by faith... when they were being set free from slavery... and follow the "guide" He gave them, His Son... but needed to walk by SIGHT... because they lacked faith... He gave them a different "guide", a system which RE-ENSLAVED them... almost worse than they had before! Why? It was what they manifested that they wanted!
John 8:32; John 14:6; John 8:36
And that is what religion does: enslaves those who attach themselves to it. Enslaves them and leads them AWAY from the True God... rather than to Him. For they have no AUTHORITY: although "all authority" has been given my Lord... they seat themselves in the "seat of Moses," attempting to act as mediators, teachers, guides, leaders... when in fact we already have one: Christ - the true "mediator" between earthling man and God... the only true "rabbi/teacher"... true "shepherd/guide"... true "leader/king."
Matthew 23:2, 3, 10; John 13:13
Unfortunately, it is our fear of being "lost"... of being "alone,"... of being "different from the crowd"... of not "belonging"... to our peers... more so than to God... that drives us toward religion: there, it appears that we can find others who, for the most part, believe as we do. Because we need that, don't we, that knowledge that there are others that believe as we do? We need VERIFICATION that we are "sane" and "normal". And, unfortunately, such verification must come from our peers, earthling man, mustn't it?
That it can and should come from God Himself... is just too much to expect, isn't it, for who is "worthy" of that? In truth, dear one... none of us are. But that is the VERY jist of the words "mercy" and "grace"... of UNDESERVED kindness. We DON'T deserve it; but He... is merciful... even when we are not.
Ultimately, however, if we are TRULY seeking God... we come to realize that while we have a few things in common with those in religion, we have much more that is not. And we begin to see the "routine" of religion... and in many cases, the fallacy of it. Which eventually leads us to know that God's Spirit is not there. For some of us, it is manifest immediately. For others of us, it takes years, even a lifetime. We all get it, eventually; whether we ACCEPT it when we do, is another thing entirely; usually, we simply make excuses for what we know is true: God's Spirit is NOT leading such institutions.
Problem is, we have built a lifetime on the foundation of our belief in a religious system and to admit that that system is not what we thought it was brings us to two places that is very difficult to be: the fact that we were WRONG, perhaps our entire life (oh, Lordy! How can that BE?!!), and NOW where do we go (and if where I've been is wrong, how do I know the next place won't be?!!) If God does exist... and He is not here... where the heck do we go to find Him?
The truth, dear one, is that God is not far off from any of us... and to "reach" Him we do not need to know about a "where"... but about a "whom." Just as Peter asked, "Lord, WHOM will we go away to?" Peter said this because he knew that there was only One Way to get to God: through the Son of God... the Door... the Narrow Gate.
All one needs to do is seek... ask... and knock... in FAITH... and if one TRULY wants it... that Door/Gate WILL be "opened" to such one.
I bid you peace... and freedom!
A slave of Christ,