I want one of these !!!!!!

by xenawarrior 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • whyamihere

    My God ....I have been reading about the 2005 Mustang....and its about time they got there act together they have not made a great sport car in like EVER!

    The body was great back in the late 60's I would say about 67 thats only style the body was like TIN and was horrible!

    After that everything sucked about until now!

    I always thought in the past they were for 40 year old women who want cheap speed nothing against 40 year old women because in 16 years I will be one!

    I am just glad FORD aka Found On Road Dead got something together and made a great sport car for those who like a sport cars!

    I still like the TA, Fire Hawk....also if you gert a sport car get a Stick come on please don't get an auto because it just takes it away!


  • Descender

    This is the Ford that I want. 0-60 in 3.4 seconds and a top speed of 200mph, which would come in handy driving to work. Ok, it probably wouldn't ever come in handy.

  • Elsewhere


  • MelbaToast

    XW: Its a dodge magnum....sweet....Its a new moms dream: no big boat of an SUV, I like it coz its a stationwagon with some great looking curves. Plus that models got a V-8 under there...a HEMI!!! I like the new chrysler 300 coupe too....uh methinks they got a little help for the new lines of that car from the Daimler Side, definately a far cry from the New Yorkers we rode in in service. LOL


  • BrendaCloutier

    Because I love Mother

    I want a Prius

    In a bright yellow convertible, which Toyota doesn't make yet.



    PS. The car my dad bribed me with to quit school and go into the ministry with, was a 1967 Blue Mustang with 4 on the floor and a Holly carb..... dammit

  • Poztate
    Is that the vehicle they were calling the suicide machine?

    I think it was but not just because it was unsafe. Most people who drove one wanted to put a paper bag over their head so their friends's couldn't see and laugh at you.Driving around like this got a lot of people in trouble.

  • xenawarrior


    Cool Melba !! Thanks for the info- it's a cool car !!

    (((Carmel))) Yikes ! That one had to hurt !! Sounds like it was a great ride up till then !

    bem- they are great. I loved the way the old ones sounded- that low rumble .......

    lonelysheep: here ya go:

    whyamihere: I have been waiting also. I knew they'd eventually bring it back and they did a great job with it too !!

    descender: LOL- it might come in handy for the police officers on your route to work who are low on their ticket quota for the month !


    I think it was but not just because it was unsafe. Most people who drove one wanted to put a paper bag over their head so their friends's couldn't see and laugh at you.Driving around like this got a lot of people in trouble.

    LOL- yeah -driving around in a tennis shoe !! I remember one time back in the late 70's, I was in a car- a Honda- it was smaller than a Civic and it was like a tennis shoe too. We were going to an after bar party with the group at the bar I worked at. There were 4 of us in that tiny car. We went around a corner and there was a dip in the road and we rolled it. We were like a human roll bar. It rolled all the way over and back up on it's wheels and we were able to drive it the few blocks away to our destination. No one was hurt but we were all very sore the next day and very very lucky.

  • Tim Horton
    Tim Horton

    I want a corvette. The stationwagon with the hemi is way too cool too. That is definately a mom driving in style. I think all mom's should have one when they come home from the hospital with their new baby. Newbaby, new station wagon. Definately sounds fair to me. LOL panther / Hey we worked hard for those babies. Right ladies!!!!!

  • simplesally

    This looks like mine

    only mine was yellow...........oh but otherwise the same.

  • groovycat.

    ME TOO!!!!

    I love the new Mustang, especially the GTR Concept, piccy here ↓

    Ain't that just SWEET, mmmm. Suit me perfectly. I have it as my desktop wallpaper, if anyone wants it here's the link:


    I don't care who or what you worship ... pray that they make this car!

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