You know what I hate most about the WTS? That no matter how much you think you've put it all behind you... it still comes up and smacks you over the head every now and then.
Saturday night, I visited my local bookstore/coffee shop. As I walked into the coffee shop, I saw the face of one of the girls I grew up with. Our congregation didn't have a lot of young people, so we were all somewhat close. I think she saw me at the same time as I saw her. She knew the drill. I knew the drill. She glanced back down. And I kept walking on into the store without stopping to get my usual sugar-free mocha. (The diabetes situation is very good these days, thanks.)
Though I'm not DF'd or DA'd, I've been shunned several times since coming home. (Apparently the entire circuit has heard the rumor that I'm gay. I guess technically it isn't a rumor if it's true.) But, this one hurt, a lot more than I thought it would/should have. It was the first direct, face to face shunning by someone in my circle of friends. I don't know if I read more into it, but I seemed to find pain in her eyes. Maybe I was just finding a mirror of the pain she must have seen in mine. Who knows?
Anyway, I'm over it now. I just have another reason on my long list of things to hate about the WTS. Not only for me, because I had to readdress everything I've worked so hard to over come over the past year and a half. But also for the thousands of rank and file JWs who could care less if you're still in, but have to shun you because they've been told to.