Brother Little Toe!!!! (IN the REAL Family of GOD) Sounds real good to me.!!!!1 Congratulations And look at those kids such beauties!!!!!
LittleToe's Travels - Nov 2004
by LittleToe 53 Replies latest jw friends
Thanks guys
Fifi:Strange, indeed.
Ozzie:I was in jeans
EW:OMG, I hope not!!!
We have folks from all backgrounds but with a shared experience - the Borg.
Cheers, Ozzie
Yeah, me too!
I could see it now
LittleToe BA in B-----essing
Edited to add.... you know Im just kidding ya bro
To be honest, I wasn't really comfortable posting about it - probably in part to do with the JW qualification thing
A number of people asked where I'd been, and what kind of retreat, and how come a retreat was so busy. So I finally caved, since to have left it simply as a "Christian Retreat" was hardly satisfying. Next would have been the question, "what did ya learn", and so on...I honestly don't like blowing my own trumpet. I have really enjoyed the last two years, though, and the opportunities it presents are wonderful. After a few dropped out we were down to about 24 or so, from throughout the whole of Scotland, so the fact that I got to go on it at all was a minor miracle.
Thanks for the info, LT! I am sure the breadth and dimension you will bring as an evangelist will be very welcome in this world. When you make your circuits, you'll keep us all updated about your schedule, right?
(Off topic... have you heard of John Piper? His book Desiring God is an argument for what he calls "Christian hedonism". Very interesting read!)
Edited to add: What gorgeous nephews you have!!!! Absolutely precious!!!
I'm gonna hafta go in Rachels back yard and git some dog poop and throw it at ya. Gumby
You might have to settle for squirrel poop, we don't have a dog.
You might have to settle for squirrel poop, we don't have a dog.
Squirrel poops even stinkier.....that'll work! Actually LT my little skirt wearin buddy......I felt bad all day I didn't congradulate you on your efforts in what you have accomlished. I know you works and studied hard to get where you have gotten and I hope it works out.....................................besides, another year or two on the board and us apostate bastards will have you wearin signs that say jesus is a snare and a racket......................just kiddin. Gumby
us apostate bastards will have you wearin signs that say jesus is a snare and a racket
Not all!
I'm sorry I just have to ask....What does
He did his fruit!!!
that mean????
Sounds like you had another interesting and eventful trip LT The nephews are adoreable, good genes, eh?
The nephews ain't wearin jeans ya big ol' silly,