Faithful "ones" that married outside the faith

by blondie 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    If more wives were named and described, this list might be longer. Did I miss some?


    Abraham?Keturah (Midianites descended through)

    Judah?daughter of Canaanite Shua

    Joseph?Egyptian wife Asenath the daughter of Potiphera (from Egyptian, meaning "He Whom Ra Has Given") the priest of On


    Mahlon?Ruth (Moabitess)

    Chilion?Orpah (Moabitess)

    Salmon?Rahab (Canaanite)


    Esther?Ashasuerus (Persian king)

    Samson?Philistine woman


    And how many Israelite men exercised this clause?


    "In case you go out to the battle against your enemies and Jehovah your God has given them into your hand and you have carried them away captive; 11 and you have seen among the captives a woman beautiful in form, and you have got attached to her and taken her for your wife, 12 you must then bring her into the midst of your house. She must now shave her head and attend to her nails, 13 and remove the mantle of her captivity from off her and dwell in your house and weep for her father and her mother a whole lunar month; and after that you should have relations with her, and you must take possession of her as your bride, and she must become your wife. 14 And it must occur that if you have found no delight in her, you must then send her away, agreeably to her own soul; but you must by no means sell her for money. You must not deal tyrannically with her after you have humiliated her. DEUTERONOMY 21:10-14

  • kwintestal

    So what the heck was Paul doing changing all the rules half way through the game?


  • Country_Woman

    I wonder how many men will find a woman attractive after she is weeping for a whole month ?

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    This is an instance of why so many people say that the Bible contradicts itself.


  • minimus

    This is when you'll hear,"We don't go by pre-Christian times. We follow Christian directives. God allowed a man to have more than one wife for a time but that is not allowable for Christians."

  • catchthis
    "We don't go by pre-Christian times. We follow Christian directives. God allowed a man to have more than one wife for a time but that is not allowable for Christians."

    It is also hypocritical of most elders to pull the old, "The principle found in Leviticus we must follow it" routine. In one case they say we should only follow what Jesus laid down as the law, but on the other hand, they use the "all scripture is inspired by god" rule and refer back to the OT and drag up those damn "principles." Blood is one that comes to mind.

  • minimus

    Ah, but they can go back to the "Christian Greek Scriptures" for support on blood.

  • blondie
    ,"We don't go by pre-Christian times. We follow Christian directives. God allowed a man to have more than one wife for a time but that is not allowable for Christians."

    Is this a red herring approach? The subject is marrying one woman (man) not sharing your religious faith not marrying two or more women. Also while marrying out of one's faith was considered necessary by some, for example, in the case of Isaac and Jacob. The WTS makes a big thing of that, yet Judah married a Canaanite woman and was told that Shiloh (Jesus) would come through his family line.

    Here a "few" places where the WTS links Deut 7:3,4 with the NT references. So much for not imposing OT principles on Christians.


    w01 8/1 pp. 24-25 Grateful for My Precious Memories! ***

    In 1929, I made my decision to be baptized. I was 19 years old, and at the same time, I faced my first real test. I met a young man whose father was a politician. We were mutually attracted, and he proposed marriage. The year before, the book Government had been released, so I gave him a copy. But it soon became apparent that he had no interest in a heavenly government, the theme of this book. I knew from my studies that the Israelites of old were commanded not to form any marriage alliances with unbelievers and that this principle applied to Christians. Therefore, although it was difficult to do so, I declined his proposal.?Deuteronomy 7:3; 2 Corinthians 6:14.


    w99 1/15 p. 14 Are Your Prayers "Prepared as Incense"? ***

    Let us also be determined to ?marry only in the Lord.? (1 Corinthians 7:39; Deuteronomy 7:3, 4)


    w92 5/15 p. 12 Is Marriage the Only Key to Happiness? ***


    Under the Law covenant, marrying men or women belonging to specified Canaanite nations was prohibited. Jehovah instructed his people: "You must form no marriage alliance with them. Your daughter you must not give to his son, and his daughter you must not take for your son. For he will turn your son from following me, and they will certainly serve other gods; and Jehovah?s anger will indeed blaze against you, and he will certainly annihilate you in a hurry."?Deuteronomy 7:3, 4.


    It is not surprising that similar restrictions on marrying those not worshiping Jehovah should apply within the Christian congregation. The apostle Paul admonished his fellow believers: "Do not become unevenly yoked with unbelievers. For what fellowship do righteousness and lawlessness have? Or what sharing does light have with darkness? Further, what harmony is there between Christ and Belial? Or what portion does a faithful person have with an unbeliever?" (2 Corinthians 6:14, 15) That counsel applies in various ways and certainly is applicable to marriage. Paul?s explicit instruction to all dedicated servants of Jehovah is that they should consider marrying someone "only if he is in union with the Lord."?1 Corinthians 7:39, footnote.

    *** w92 9/15 p. 5 Why Do Good People Suffer? ***

    One who disobeys God and marries an unbeliever may suffer marital troubles he could have avoided. (Deuteronomy 7:3, 4; 1 Corinthians 7:39)

    *** w90 5/15 p. 19 "Teach Us How to Pray" ***

    For instance, if we are interested in getting married, we may need to ask Jehovah to deliver us from Satan?s designs and from temptation to cultivate worldly relationships that can lead to immorality or to disobeying God by marrying an unbeliever. (Deuteronomy 7:3, 4; 1 Corinthians 7:39

    *** w89 1/15 p. 24 Bride-Price?How Should Christians View It? ***

    A Christian girl and her parents should not be guided by worldly standards in the choice of a husband. Marrying a non-Christian is an act of disobedience to God. Through Moses, He told the Israelites: "You must form no marriage alliance with them. Your daughter you must not give to his son, and his daughter you must not take for your son." (Deuteronomy 7:3, 4; 1 Corinthians 7:39)

    *** w89 7/1 p. 25 A Marriage That Benefits Millions Now Living ***

    Understandably, Abraham wanted his son to marry someone from his own family, descendants of Shem, who had received Noah?s inspired blessing. (Genesis 9:26) What fine guidance this is for Christians who choose to marry today!?Deuteronomy 7:3, 4.

    *** w89 9/15 p. 24 Be Obedient to Those Taking the Lead ***

    To illustrate: The elders may urge a Christian to follow the Bible?s counsel to marry "only in the Lord." (1 Corinthians 7:39; Deuteronomy 7:3, 4)

    *** w89 11/1 p. 20 Do Not Yoke Yourselves With Unbelievers ***

    Heeding the Bible?s warning also spares us the painful consequences that often result when a Christian yokes himself with an unbeliever. There is, for example, the possibility that the unbeliever will turn the Christian mate from serving Jehovah. Consider Jehovah?s warning to ancient Israel. Marriage alliances with nonworshipers were prohibited. Why? "For he will turn your son from following me," Jehovah warned, "and they will certainly serve other gods." (Deuteronomy 7:3, 4)

    *** w88 11/1 p. 16 Is Your Home a Place of Rest and Peace? ***

    Realizing this, surely we would not want to disobey Jehovah by marrying an unbeliever and thus robbing ourselves of this spiritual unity that enhances marriage. (Deuteronomy 7:3, 4)

    *** w87 2/1 p. 6 Following Bible Principles?The Superior Way ***

    When there is a shortage of suitable Christian mates, the unbelieving parents will do almost anything to arrange a marriage, while the Christian will remember the principle of marrying "only in the Lord."?1 Corinthians 7:39; Deuteronomy 7:3, 4.

    *** w86 11/15 p. 26 Are You Looking for a Partner in Life? ***

    The apostle Paul?s counsel to ?marry only in the Lord? harmonizes with the practice of Jehovah?s early servants who chose as marriage mates those who were likewise true worshipers. (1 Corinthians 7:39; Deuteronomy 7:3, 4)

    *** w82 3/15 p. 31 Questions from Readers ***

    When God provided laws to guide Israel, he warned against their forming a marriage alliance with a person who did not worship Jehovah. (Deuteronomy 7:2-4) The wisdom of this was underscored by the tragedy that befell Solomon. He may have felt that, because he was exceptionally wise, he could cope with any problem or test resulting from marrying women who were not serving Jehovah. But when he ignored God?s counsel, even Solomon came to grief.?1 Kings 11:1-6.

    Finally, in the Christian Greek Scriptures God repeated the counsel: Do not marry someone who is not serving the Lord. The inspired counsel was not, ?If you find a clean, decent person, it is permissible to court and marry that individual with the hope that he or she may eventually become a Christian.? Rather, God?s Word clearly says: "Do not become unevenly yoked with unbelievers." (2 Corinthians 6:14) To marry someone who is not already a baptized Christian would be to disregard that serious counsel.

    *** w80 4/15 p. 19 ?A Love As Strong As Death? ***

    And for those devoted to Jehovah, this prospective marriage mate should be a man or a woman similarly dedicated and faithful to God. (Deut. 7:3, 4; Ezra 9:1-15; 1 Cor. 7:39)

    *** w79 4/1 p. 23 Youths, Resist Worldly Pressures! ***

    This was God?s law to the Israelites regarding marriage: "You must form no marriage alliance with them. Your daughter you must not give to his son, and his daughter you must not take for your son." Similarly, Christians are advised to marry "only in the Lord," that is, to marry only fellow worshipers of Jehovah. (Deut. 7:3; 1 Cor. 7:39)

    *** w78 12/1 p. 8 How Victorious Faith Can Affect You ***

    A future marriage mate must also be one of Jehovah?s Witnesses." (Deut. 7:3, 4; 1 Cor. 7:39)

    *** w77 5/1 p. 266 Singleness Can Be Rewarding ***

    A Christian should never forget that the Most High is interested in the marriages of his faithful servants. He knows full well how spiritually disastrous a poor marriage can be and, therefore, commanded the Israelites not to enter into marriage covenants with worshipers of other gods. (Deut. 7:3, 4) Likewise, the apostle Paul pointed out that a Christian widow "is free to be married to whom she wants, only in the Lord." (1 Cor. 7:39) Hence, if Jehovah God sees that one of his servants truly needs a mate, is it not reasonable to conclude that he will answer that one?s prayers about finding a good marriage partner? Most assuredly, if the need is really there!

    *** w74 1/1 p. 9 The Christian View of Courtship ***

    That would be where the arrangement called upon one to marry a person who was not a fellow believer in the true God, Jehovah, nor a disciple of God?s Son, Jesus Christ.?Compare Deuteronomy 7:3, 4; 1 Corinthians 7:39; 2 Corinthians 6:14.

    *** w74 10/1 p. 607 Questions from Readers ***

    It is therefore wise for a dedicated Christian to look for possible marriage mates only among those who are believers and who possess spirituality.?Compare Deuteronomy 7:3, 4; Nehemiah 13:26, 27; Malachi 2:10-12.

    *** w72 6/15 p. 365 Trust in God, Not Your Own Understanding ***

    Yes, single persons should not disobey the apostle?s counsel on behalf of their own spiritual welfare and that of children that may be born to a union with an unbeliever. The apostle follows the Bible?s counsel to the Israelites, not to make marriage alliances with unbelievers, when he counsels widows to marry "only in the Lord."?1 Cor. 7:39; Deut. 7:3, 4.

    *** w70 3/1 p. 151 Youths, Prove Yourselves Christ?s Disciples ***

    What Jehovah said to the nation of Israel about not marrying such persons is a good guide for young persons today in choosing companions as well as marriage mates. "You must form no marriage alliance with them. Your daughter you must not give to his son, and his daughter you must not take for your son. For he will turn your son from following me, and they will certainly serve other gods." (Deut. 7:3, 4) Since this happened to wise Solomon, a young Christian should not think it cannot we happen to him. (Neh. 13:26) Further advice is given at 2 Corinthians 6:14, which says: "Do not become unevenly yoked with unbelievers."

  • Bryan
    "We don't go by pre-Christian times. We follow Christian directives. God allowed a man to have more than one wife for a time but that is not allowable for Christians."

    If this is the stace of the watchtower society, then what other laws (principles), of pre-christianity, do they demand the rank and file follow, which, by their own words, should not be followed?


  • Swan


    Solomon also married outside the faith, over and over again!


    It is also hypocritical of most elders to pull the old, "The principle found in Leviticus we must follow it" routine. In one case they say we should only follow what Jesus laid down as the law, but on the other hand, they use the "all scripture is inspired by god" rule and refer back to the OT and drag up those damn "principles." Blood is one that comes to mind.

    Or the two witnesses rule that they cling to in Dueteronomy, even though Jesus clearly gave a new model for resolving conflicts (the key being they were resolved) and paying Caesars things to Caesar, as in reporting violations of the child abuse law to the proper authorities.


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