Hello, my name is Jeremy. I have been reading this forum for some time. I think there are truly some great people here, and I hope to call many of you friends in due time. I thought I would share my story so you will know my thoughts regarding Jehovah's Witnesses.
I was sorta raised as a Jehovah's Witness. My mother was baptized when I was young. She pioneered for about 3 years and shortly there after, she became inactive. I was about to enter middle school when she stopped going to the Kingdom Hall. I didn't know why I believed what I believed, so when my peers picked on me, I had no way of defending my beliefs. I got a stomach ulcer from this experience. My dad although never baptized made me go to the Kingdom Hall. (He died last August when his truck went off the road, I suspect suicide, because he said that was how he would die if he committed suicide) Two people studied with me and at the age of 19, I got baptized. I didn't make any true friends in the Congregation. The only friend I had was a "worldly" friend. Today we are still very close.
I tried my hardest to fit in. But, I just couldn't. First, I hated going door to door. Secondly, I didn't understand the fear God tactic, I always thought of him as "Father" like Jesus taught. Thirdly, I never understood this mystical explination about the 144,000 being born along by holy spirit. How could they possably know they were chosen? Fourthly, this constant competition with the Catholic Church. I have several friends that think the Society is childish about the constant name calling and mud slinging.
But that is not why I got out. Five years ago, I asked a circuit overseer about growing a beard. He said it was very unusual for a man to grow a beard in the brotherhood. He said I would not be able to advance in the "truth" if I did. I explained that I had psoriasis and the red patches and white flakes made me feel ugly. If I could grow a beard, the patches and flakes would be less noticable. He said if I had a medical reason the Elder Body would understand then. I asked the Elders, they said that I could grow the beard, so I did. Late in September 1999, I was approached by two Elders, they said that they wanted to come over and give me a sheperding call. I agreed, so a couple of days later, they came over. They started to read about dress codes that was found in Watchtower publications. I was thinking to myself, I have never violated any dress code. I never wear advertising shirts, baggy jeans, my hair is short, I wear a tie and coat to the meetings. Then they read about being clean shaven. Aparently a new member of the Congregation complained. He was good friends with one of the two Elders. So with enough pressure that is why they were here. I reminded them that they allowed me to have the beard. After more fruitless debate, I asked them to leave. I went and told my mom and dad what happened. My mother swore she would never have anything to do with them again, and my dad started calling all of the Elders. He and the Elders continued to bicker about the whole situation. I wrote a letter to each of the Elders, and to the new Circuit Overseer.
When the Circuit Overseer came to the Congregation, he made the Elders told the Elders to accept me as is. They never did. The memorial in April was the last meeting I attended in full. I went to three other meetings, but left before it was over. My last meeting was 4 days after Dad's suicide. Dad and I argued about the Jehovah's Witness ever since the beard incident. He could no longer convince me it was the truth. I bought a computer in May 2000, and started reading about Jehovah's Witnesses. I never realized about the 1975 predictions. I was amazed! I was born January 14, 1976. If the society was right, Jehovah would have killed me before I was born!
I never had a chance to share my findings with my dad. I have shared what I have learned with my mom. I am happy to say she no longer suffers from depression. She was worried that Armageddon would come and Jehovah would kill her. She remarried a man that I like. I am still looking for a mate, but in no hurry to make a mistake. The only thing the Jehovah's Witness have right is, when you marry you should always stay married. I have a letter of dissassociation ready should the Elders ever stop by, but in the last year they have not. My neighbor is a Jehovah's Witness, so I do expect that someday soon they will stop by. I decided last month to rent out my extra bedroom, so next month, I will have a room mate. Because this room mate is a woman, I expect the spies will be out in full force. CULTS SUCK!
Please talk to me, and e-mail me. I look forward to your responce! However, Fredhall take a long walk off a short cliff. Just like Judas Iscariot, please.