Why are JW's so haughty about the bible? Were you someone like that? Having to deal with my Dad and my brother any question you raise to them they act like your an complete a##hole. Do you look back now and see how awful you acted?
JW's Attitude
by pc 22 Replies latest jw friends
Because THEY have the TRUTH!!!
Some time ago I was talking to my dad and he was trying to explain to me that the other churches of "chrisidom" are aware of the "fact" that the JWs have the "truth" and that is why they hate JWs so much.
I asked him: So, are you saying that when someone goes to seminary school to become a priest or minister, they are all taken to a secret hidden room where they are all secretly told that the JWs have the REAL truth and that they are expected to conceal this FACT from all of the laity??? That is right!!! A massive conspiracy throughout all of the churches in the world designed to hide the fact that JWs have the REAL truth and that the other churches are servants of Satan in disguise!!!
He got real quiet at that point realizing the absurdity of what he had said.
pc --- I know exactly what you are talking about . I was related to some and have known plenty in my life, it seems like they feel that everything they say comes from some infallible source and should be deemed as coming from the mouth of God . They are IMO just like the mormans in that they don't actually want to study the bible but rather study things that some publishing corporation has to say about the bible . When I did inform them of their inaccuracies it was like the devil himself crawled into my voice box and proceeded to speak vile things to which was unlawful to speak . They really thought they were trying to take some sort of blindfold off whilst they were in fact trying to shut down my ability to think for myself and trust God and replace that with a publishing corporation .
LMAO@elsewhere --- Yeppers that's them alright. Why didn't you know that there were town hall meetings that gather together to inform all the residents of this very fact ?
Don't you know that the Bible is an organizational book to be interpreted correctly only by the FDS class? This is why only JWs correctly understand the Bible! In fact we JWs are more right about what the Bible says than anyone else, even when they are right and we are wrong. This is a fact until new light says otherwise. (he..he..)
Because THEY have the TRUTH!!!
Yep...Thats why they have the attitude.
To start with the truth was the truth
Then the truth became the Truth
Next the truth became the TRUTH
Later the truth became the TRUTH
(sheepishly covering my eyes)... yes, I was like that. Since age 12, I searched the Bible with tears and asked God to tell me what He wanted me to know and do. Age 16 left the Catholic church because that wasn't "true". At 21 "found the truth" because someone at the door told me they knew what the bible taught. I fell hook line and sinker. Believed thoroughly because it was all in "black and white", (well shades of grey too as it changed). Little did I discern that the "black and white" was jumping around to fit whatever they wanted it too.
But, I was over zealous, self righteous, pushy (out of sincerity), not by personality , but because I wanted everyone to know what I knew , whether they were searching for it or not. I loved GOD and truly believed I had the answers I was looking for since youth. I know better now.
and how do we knooooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwww we have the truth ( said in monty python voice of village wise man from holy grail) because the slave class is incapable of lying and we know who the slave is because we take them and throw them into the pond to see if they can float .
Do you look back now and see how awful you acted?
YES. I'm sorry about it now and glad I've grown beyond it.
Because THEY have the TRUTH!!!
Many times I was conflicted saying, "The Society can't be a cult because it has the Truth." The reality of the matter is, they can have the truth about God and even be His people, that does not and will not prevent them from becoming over zealous and behaving like a CULT! John 8:39,40, Luke 14:11 Nor does it guarantee correctness in all things.
Have you ever seen a family member pretend to laugh as evolution is discussed on a nature program, or bitterly shout "READ THE BIBLE!" at the television set? I have.
The TRUTH is like a fresh wound for many Dubs. It cuts deep, and they hold it close to themselves so tightly it becomes and object of adoration in and of itself. After awhile it becomes numb, but when something disturbs it the pain is unbearable.
No doubt in my mind they are a cult . To think at one time I would have argued the definition of cult as involving charizmatic leaders and threats of physical torture for disobedience but these people play a psychological game that leaves members just as emotionally empty and devoid of self worth and sometimes people do die over a doctrine that was never intended to cause death , being the blood doctrine .