MODERN DAY "GARDEN of EDEN" ?? Good Day Brothers and Sisters:
Just a thought, but
It seems to me we "here" in our e-congregation are in a fight for our very spiritual lives. We may have "escaped" or been "barred" from our local KH's physically, but the fight and the issue is still the same, Jah's Universal Sovereignty.
Are "we" the new age Adams and Eves in this "cyber garden", eating of the "forbidden fruit" from the tree of knowledge, the Internet ?
If so, then the serpent would seem to be the "evil slave" trying to deceive us, saying this is bad, when actually it is good!!
I truly believe Jehovah God and Christ Jesus, the Holy Spirit and angels are watching out for our very souls to see how we pass this test!
Let's all keep our eyes on the prize!!
Just some ramblings I wanted to share! Onward & Upward Everybody!!
Much Christian Love To All
I think You Know deserves his little congregation, don't you?