Baby Dies in Texas After Mother Reports Cutting off Arms

by Mecurious? 20 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Valis

    *LOL* BG, Hey I am low maintenance you know...just some and now and then oh and a and a and a new and a ride to and lots of every day ...Hoping you and the Moz have a great turkey day.

    On subject, I think this kind of thing is a good reason men should be able to stay home more with new babies. I mean babies are expensive and most parents can't afford to both take off for an extended amount of time. Since it is usually the mom staying at home alone there's not much help from dad when it comes to emotional issues like post partum depression. It sucks it has to be like that, but it is a most sad reality that more mouths to feed means more work to be done. This case is just awful for the mother who obviously is nuts or went nuts and for the whole family's loss.


    District Overbeer

  • whyamihere

    That Story was so awful words can't express my feelings for that baby!

    My son who is about the same age as the baby. I look at him every day I mean everyday and thank god for him he is my life so is my daughter. I see the little person he is and I can't imagine hurting him at all. When he falls or gets hurt my heart hurts knowing he is in pain and I can't do anything at that moment. I can't even think about the subject because I think of my son.

    I just don't understand that at all....there is no punishment that would make it better. No matter what happens a baby a beautiful baby is gone for no reason.

    I also want to point to the parents of the JW cult who child was molested and never did anything they are just as bad. I told my husband anyone who touches my kid in anyway I will take the law in my own hands and hurt that person until you could not reconized the body! I am really a nice person just don't touch my kid!

  • Valis

    Brooke I know what you mean about the kids...You mess with em you better pray and hide real good as jail would be the only safe place for you to hide......But hey, speaking of people dying for no least in Wisconsin its the grown ups killin each other..


    District Overbeer

  • mkr32208
    We aren't there yet...we're still newlyweds working to get out of debt...but someday it is a dream

    If you wait till you can afford to have kids you'll never have kids...

  • XQsThaiPoes

    BG I work with speacial needs children every day. Childrens services are very liberal and trying to put them in any home that will take them. I would like to give a word of advice. There are two types of speacial needs children, ones with natural disorders, such as downs syndrome, sickle cell, congenial heart defects etc, these are remotely normal children given their circumstances, and then there are the substance abuse victims. The children suffering from fetal alcohol syndrome, and "crack babies" are the majority of speacial needs children that are up for adoption. These children while appearing normal on the surface ARE NOT!

    Some suffer from respatory problems that are sometimes downplayed, or even unlisted to place a child with a family. And so far all of them I have met suffer from some type of nurological disorder. Which usually manifest as the inableity to feel pain, emotional instability, agression, and irritability. You end up with toddlers that are mad at the world, with invulnerability to pain, and constantly attacking other children. When two get into a fight it is very bloody. Two of our kids was gone for the weekend and they came back in stitches. They got into a fight and had to be taken to emergency. One was almost blinded because his sister tried to gouge out his eyes. These kids are only 2.

    I sincerely doubt anyone would want to raise a child like this unless you are willing to become a trained professional and a parent. Many of their adopted parents are adopting them simply for free sevices and extra money. I am not trying to scare you but it is very difficult to control a child suffering from substace abuse. It can be done. I do it every day but most people that adopt are not expecting their new baby to sucker punch them. Sadly it is not the kids fault. Their nurological growth was distorted by what ever their biological parents ingested. Some are still going through withdrawls, or on medication to cope with it. They are wonderful bright, children with they are not trying to maim each other.

  • freedom96

    I have a tough time with this. As a parent, I cannot imagine doing somthing so evil to my children, even if I was ill.

    My thought? Mentally ill or not, chop off her arms, and let her bleed to death. Be done with her.

    The pain the father must be going through is un-imaginable to me.

  • hooberus

    If she would have done the same thing (or had a physician do it) some months earlier (while in the womb) it would have been legal, and many here would argue that it would have been her "right to choose."

  • Mecurious?

    Very good point!



  • SixofNine

    :If she would have done the same thing (or had a physician do it) some months earlier (while in the womb) it would have been legal, and many here would argue that it would have been her "right to choose."


  • MungoBaobab

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