Scales of Justice

by individual 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • individual

    This being my first proper post I wanted to raise a question that I asked of an elder. The only response I received was that I was questioning God. When I pressed further I was accused of being an apostate. This seemingly unanswerable question was one of the reasons why I, after a quarter of a century, and my family left 'the truth'. The problem I was facing was this, with the scales of justice being supposedly balanced and all people being treated equally by Jehovah, how can it be said that people in todays world have an equal chance, or even a fair chance, of gaining life as those who are resurrected?

    Those who are resurrected would be taught in a perfect world, one religion, one educational system, one society united under God. They would have every opportunity to learn 'the truth'. Surely this is a huge advantage over those in todays system. How can it be fair to them that their salvation rests on being taught something seemingly far fetched when what they see around them is all they know. Are they not therefore victims of circumstance? Born before Armageddon rather than after it. Their chance of accepting the truth is not the same. Jehovah is not giving them an equal or fair chance. The people who are carrying out this teaching work are themselves reluctant, in my experience most did this out of duty rather than desire.

    Can I prove that people are victims of circumstance? Well, consider this point I raised with this elder, which just served to increase his anger and annoyance further, peoples under different social/religious systems i.e Bangladesh or India, are far less responsive to 'the truth', if you compare the ratios of witnesses (publishers) to populations. The ratios of non Christianity countries are far higher than Christian ones (Christian countries typically say 1-100 witnesses to population, non-Christianity countries 1-10,000 even 1-100,000). This seems to be due to the fact that it is far harder and is a far greater step to change to a Christian religion from a non-Christian one than it is to change from one denomination to another i.e Methodist to JW.

    So if Armageddon arrived now these ones from non Christianity countries would die or would BE DESTROYED in far greater numbers than those from Christian countries. But surely they are victims of circumstance. Just because it is harder for them to accept the truth because of the religious system they live under and were born into, why should they die for this? If their sin was to be born into a society where it is harder to accept God they become victims of circumstance.

    The elder could not answer this without resorting to apostate accusations. But this bothered my conscience. How could I serve a belief that would destroy those people, children and all, because of where they were born. I concluded that if Jehovah was behind the organisation he would have been able to find a way to reach these people and to give them an equal chance as those from Christian countries. The ratios of witnesses to population in these non-Christianity countries proves, in my opinion, that either he is failing these ones or that the JWs are not the true religion. Surely he would have found a way to balance the scales of justice fairly with all peoples from all nations in todays world and also equal to those resurrected into this supposedly new system.

    For my first proper post here this may seem long and rambling but I feel that this point is of paramount importance if you believe the system is soon to end and if you have empathy with peoples around the world. This is just one of the many reasons why I left.

    Are the scales correctly balanced?

  • Fredhall


    Jehovah can preserve anyone during Armageddon. He is a very merciful God. I don't think that nobody cannot comprehend his love. It is possible that another group of people will survive Armageddon. They may consist mentally retarted people, young ones, and others who have not respond to him when the time comes.

    So, if you left the truth because no one cannot answer your questions. Then, that is a very poor excuse.

  • SixofNine
    Are the scales correctly balanced?

    Good question. I think the answer is: no. That empathy thing is a real b**** for us idealist, isn't it? It will drive a person crazy if that person clings too tightly to the Bible.

    Also, now that you can think about things a bit freer, consider that the idea that "this world is soon to end", is a belief that you can let go of with absolutely no adverse consequences, and many, many benifits. Since you didn't come up with that idea on your own, it shouldn't be too hard for you to let go of.

  • jayhawk1

    To Fredhall,
    So when the world was to be destroyed by Jehovah, and I still was just a fetus, I would have been saved. Even though my mother was not a Jehovah's Witness at the time. I doubt it. But then again, The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society was wrong again. Nice try.

    Seriously, I cant answer this question, because there can't be an answer.

  • kes152

    God gave his only-begotten Son to the world so that everyone believing in him would not die, but have everlasting life.

    The Father knew if he gave his Son, that the world would kill him. He knew this, and his Son knew this. His Son, however, was willing to die for them, so that they may have everlasting life. So the Father loved his Son for loving the world. So the Father, also, out of love for the world gave his only-begotten Son. His Son, "surrendered" his soul in behalf of all those believing in Him.

    This wasn't about 'balancing the scales' of justice, but about the world being saved through the Son. The world did NOT deserve this and it is evident by the fact that when he came into the world, the "world HATED him."

    Still, the Father loved, even them so that they too MIGHT live forever. In addition, Christ will send (and has sent) the holy spirit into the WORLD. All people, everywhere recieved a 'conviction' by holy spirit concerning sin, righteousness, and judgement.

    Sin, because they didn't believe in him, righteousness, because he went his way to the Father, and judgement, because their ruler has been judged. All have heard this and for those who have completely forgotten this 'message' from the holy spirit, the holy spirit will "bring BACK to their minds ALL the things it told them."

    Those in other countries, have 'law' written within themselves. And they all know, that if they "break the law" wirtten within, they will have to "render an account" to someone, somewhere. Those who have 'forced' this understanding out of their head .. will hear it again when the holy spirit "brings it BACK to their minds."

  • Fredhall


    That is not up to me to decide. It is up to Jehovah.

  • teejay

    Hello, individual, and welcome to the board,

    Are the scales balanced, based on JW theology? Of course they are! In actual fact, no way.

    Your question, that those in other (mainly non Western) cultures having less of a chance, is a question that bothered me for years. Of course the Society's pat answer was that, "before the end, they'll get a full opportunity to hear the good news." The case of Abraham delaying the angels who were on their destructive mission to Sodom and Gomorrah was used as a biblical type.

    Another question along the same lines that I had was: non-JWs, so-called "worldly" people, who died just before the outbreak of the great trib (like my maternal grandmother) had a chance for a resurrection, while those still alive following it's start didn't. Did Jehovah actually determine down to that second what a person's everlasting future would be? Yes, according to the Watchtower.

    Hey, there's bunches and bunches of conundrums like these in both WTS doctrine and the bible itself. All in a day's work, bruddah... all in a day's work.

    Again, looking forward to reading more of your contributions.


  • jayhawk1

    To Fredhall,
    I was refering to 1975, but I am glad the society was wrong again. Or else I would never have been born. I was born January 14, 76. You are right, it is hard to know what the creator thinks, but the society shure does not know either.

  • willy_think

    at last i read truth

    Seriously, I cant answer this question, because there can't be an answer.

    the ideas and opinions expressed in this post do not necessiarly represent those of the WTB&TS inc. or any of it's subsidiary corporations.
  • teejay

    Btw, indi,

    I used to look in the Jan 15 wt for signs that the ratio of JWs in those Eastern countries was improving and it was always something outrageous like 1 JW to 500,000. How in the hell were those people going to get an adequate witness before the end, especially since the org was committed to the door to door method and rejected those marketing, er... uh... preaching methods (radio, TV, commercial newspapers, etc.) that would have helped reached a larger audience quickly? And, AND, we're close to the end, too? I don't think so... soyonarra all you Indians, SE Asians, Malaysians... it was nice knowin' ya... things are NOT looking good....

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