Why are you so upset? I tried to state my opinion in as a respectful and inoffensive way, but apparently I still put you off. I'm sorry if I gave you any hard feelings....we can disagree without being disagreeable. There is still in interesting irony here, that our disagreement is over the sense of the Greek word diakrinomai, meaning "dispute with someone on the basis of different judgments" according to Louw and Nida (with dielegto "saying in disagreement [with another]"), or more literally, "judge between [positions] for oneself". My original point, calling attention to the verb as being in middle voice, and followed by dielegto having "the Devil" as a second participant, is that it means less "judging between [positions] with oneself dividedly" (as if an internal indecision between judgments) and more "judging between [positions] for oneself" in opposition to another having a different opinion (which is clearly what is involved in Jude 9). Stephen Carlson makes a similar point on his website:
The thing is...interlinear glosses are only glosses. They are not nuanced translations taking into account the context. Diakrinรณ can mean different things ("criticize," "doubt," "judge between choices," "second-guess," "dispute") depending on such things as the number of participants (in this case, two), whether the verb is negated, the voice of the verb, as well as non-grammatical cues....