and I hope happiness runs you down and overtakes you very soon!
I just looked over my shoulder and it appears to be gaining on us! (Happiness, that is).
Thanks for the nice thought. This is an odd day for those of us freshly "out," since Thanksgiving day has always marked the start of the dreaded holiday season, a time when we forced ourselves to take leave of our senses and withdraw from workmates, neighbors and relatives, pretending all the while that we were somehow in on a special secret that made us different from and superior to them. What a shock to discover we were having no, as in ZERO, impact on them and their lives. To this day, these people have no idea what where we were coming from!
It reminds me of the old joke:
When I was 20, I as always concerned about what people thought of me.
When I was 40, I didn't care what people thought of me.
When I was 60, I realized people weren't thinking about me at all.
Happy Thanksgving Day to all of our new friends on JWD, and to Simon and Ang especially for bringing us this lifeline. The forum has made so much difference in all our lives! It's a terrific day to reflect, to be thankful, to appreciate what we've got. As for me, I am spending the day with my liberated family; we will celebrate our freedom today, toast to our new future, and savor a turkey that, for the first time in 30 years, we are actually eating on Thursday (rather than Friday).