SCHOLAR 'talk' to Ray about Carl Olof Jonsson

by one 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • one

    I just received a long email from Ray,

    i reprint what an scholars wrote to Ray

    " I became aware of the work of Carl Olof Jonsson by coming across his work posted on the Net entitled "A Review of Rolf Furuli: Persian Chronology and the Length of the Babylonian Exile of the Jews." I was researching Babylonian chronology for reasons unrelated to the Jehovah's Witnesses and was impressed with the depth of scholarship in Jonsson's work as well as the quality of his writing. How have I missed this man? I asked myself. Incidentally, I am a professional scholar, a retired professor of economics and finance at the University of Alabama, and the author of book entitled The Four Kingdoms of Daniel: A Defense of the "Roman Sequence" with AD 70 Fulfillment, published this year by Xulon. "

    Are any of you going to order from Xulon?

    Let me tell you, all that stuff from Carl is too deep for me.


    Ray says it is freezen at home but he has a fireplace and a lot of wood... in case i show up, can't wait.

  • Schizm
    I am a professional scholar, a retired professor of economics and finance at the University of Alabama, and the author of book entitled The Four Kingdoms of Daniel: A Defense of the "Roman Sequence"

    A "professional scholar" huh? Bullshit!

    A Defense of the "Roman" Sequence with AD 70 Fulfillment
    John S. Evans, 2004

    Retail $23.99

    This book delves into the sequences of four kingdoms in Daniel 2 and 7. Although it analyzes Daniel 2 and 7 in great detail, less than half of it is devoted to them. This is because much of the material in other chapters of Daniel, particularly 8, 9, 11, and 12, bears heavily on the four kingdoms' identities. This book offers an exceptionally deep critical analysis of the academically dominant liberal view that Daniel's text was completed by 164 BC with the intention of encouraging the belief that "the time of the end was a t hand." In this view, the sequence of four kingdoms ends with "Greece." In reality, however, what we have in Daniel 2 and 7 is a sequence that clearly presents Media and Persia as a united kingdom and has Rome as the fourth and last great earthly kingdom. The author holds that Daniel's "time of the end" clearly coincides with events that terminated with the fall of Jerusalem in AD 70. 496 pages, appendix, Scripture index, subject index. View:

    With regards to the highlighted sentence above, if ole John Evans means to say that Rome was the last government to rule the world ALL BY ITSELF then I would agree with him. However, I doubt that that is what he means to say. He probably thinks that World Rulership ended with Rome--which is a bunch of nonsense. The 10 horns that arise out of the 4th beast tell how that World Rulership would pass into the hands of those very horns upon Rome's fall. Thus, the 10 horns was to follow Rome in the exercise of World Rulership. But is the 10 horns to be the last to exercise World Rulership? Why of course not! There is another horn, a final horn, that arises in the midst of the original 10 horns, which means nothing less than that it becomes the next and last one to rule the world.

    These so-called "professional scholars" don't know half as much as they think they do, yet they throw these impressive-looking $20.00 books out there in front of people.

    Pure toilet paper! That's all such books are good for.


  • lawrence


    And BTW, what have you written lately? Please expound...

  • Schizm

    And BTW, what have you written lately? Please expound...

    See sample above. Do you dare debate what I've stated?


  • City Fan
    City Fan


    Are any of you going to order from Xulon?

    I'm afraid I won't be ordering it. I've read similar defences of the Roman sequence and they just don't stand up to the logical conclusions of more liberal scholarship. The fourth Kingdom was Greece, plain and simple.


  • City Fan
    City Fan

    Here's the link to Jonsson's review of Furuli in case anyone hasn't seen it.

  • one

    this is too deep for me but i take that the author presented Rome as the last kingom to totally rule without competition. Reding the whole book may could clarify the issue.

    BEDsides, anyone is entitled to an opinion and writting a book about it, even the wt.

    what calle my attention was that he said: "How have I missed this man?",

    Do any of you knows if he actually agree with Carl Olof Jonsson ?

  • Schizm
    The fourth Kingdom was Greece, plain and simple.


    That's pure nonsense, plain and simple! The 4th beast represented Rome. It's 10 horns represent the kingdoms that have inherited World Rule from the time that Rome fell down to the present day. They together make up the 7th king of Bible prophecy. The final horn that arose amid those 10 horns represents the 8th king of Bible prophecy, a king (World Government) that has yet to make the scene.

    Head of gold (Da 2) = 1st beast (Da 7) = Nebuchadnezzar's Babylon

    Breast & arms of silver (Da 2) = 2nd beast (Da 7) = Medo Persia

    Belly & thighs of copper (Da 2) = 3rd beast (Da 7) = Greece

    Legs of iron (Da 2) = 4th beast (Da 7) = Rome

    Ten toes of iron mixed with clay (Da 2) = 10 horns (Da 7) = all governments that began to rule themselves after Rome fell.


  • one

    egypt and other powerfull nations dont count?

    oh well i got to back to my history books, confusing as ever

    long ago wt printed a green book about daniel, no one could fully understand (freddy fuly inspired )

    then they printed a red book about babyalonethegrape, that was even worst.

  • City Fan
    City Fan


    It's 10 horns represent the kingdoms that have inherited World Rule from the time that Rome fell down to the present day. They together make up the 7th king of Bible prophecy

    Can you explain how 10 separate kings can also be a '7th king'? What you've just described is the same kind of end-time nonsense the Watchtower is famous for.

    Let me ask you one simple question. Which kingdom is the last one actually named in the book of Daniel? (Dan 11:2)

    And just to get you thinking further, if the second beast was Persia why does Dan 2:39 say "After you (Babylon) shall arise another kingdom inferior to you, and yet a third kingdom of bronze, which shall rule over all the earth." Are you trying to say that the Persian Empire was inferior to Babylon?


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