Hello everyone I am a new poster but have been lurking for quite some time, I wanted to know if any of you ever heard the following illustrations at meetings.
1) When I was a kid going to Spanish meetings here in So Cal I often heard speakers talk about Satan being like a roaring lion ready to devour all humanity, then I would here the illustration of how lions hunt by roaring towards the ground this way the roar went everywhere and the prey would be easy pickings. Problem with this is once I studied in the fourth grade how lions hunt, found out lionesses are the ones that hunt and rely solely on stealth, ambush, the element of surprise to bring down their prey. I still haven't found any info to support the various speakers? account.
2) In my late teenage years when I came back and started attending English meetings I heard another illustration I had often heard even in Spanish meetings, that was that we only use 10% of our brains and we should imagine the possibilities when we will eventually use all of it. Recently a protégé CO mentioned at the dinner table that in the MS school they were told it is only 10% of 1%. A simple research would show this to be an urban legend.
Anyone out ever hear these examples and to be fair do any of you have info to affirm the speaker?s accretions.