Did you just decide one morning that that was it?? Did you agonize over making the decision? Was it a very gradual process??
How Did YOU Leave The Organization??
by minimus 40 Replies latest jw friends
17 had a great job making lots of money and my parents wanted me to pay rent and still have to go to meetings. *LOL* I was ready for freedom so I packed my stuff, took my smackdown from the old man, told em to f off and left. And yes it was with lots of trepidation. Didn't help sleeping in a scummy roach motel for a couple days either, but it was definitely a bit of growing up. And you know, all those people I had grown up with as 'friends" never came to see me after that.
District Overbeer
I started a new job and convieniently I had to work a lot of meeting nights. During this time I read a few anti-JW books, and that was it. Just stopped going.
Long walks on the beach with my dog. On a sandy bluff overlooking the ocean I realized this religion was not what it seemed, but even if they were right, it wasn't what I wanted for my life. Life forever in their paradise would be an eternal hell for me, and I would rather live the remainder of my life free, and then be dead.
I seriously doubted Armageddon was coming, and maybe even the existence of Jehovah too. So later on when they asked me the question if I still believed that the Watchtower was Jehovah's organization here on earth, I could truthfully answer yes, since their view of Jehovah differed greatly from others view of God. Jehovah, as invented by the Watchtower, was truly their idea alone, and in that context they were his organization.
On that sunny August day, on a bluff on Cape Kiwanda, with my best friend panting nearby, I made my decision to seek help from a psychiatrist and began to formulate a plan to exit.
Formulating a plan to exit is probably the most sensible way of working with things to get out effectively.
eh mini otherwise you would be like me with my skateboard, garbage bag full of clothes and the no tell motel.. *LOL* I did however manage to graduate from high school after that.
District Overbeer
Valis, only my clothes would still be dirty.
I left in a flash of "new light"?
When I joined up in 1970 there was a hardline policy on DFed and DAed persons. I realized this would mean that I would have to turn my back on parts of my close family that was DFed. Shamefull to say I did this willingly at the time. (1975 was CLOSE)
Then a WT article came out in 1974 with "new light"? I made comment on this article on another thread.
Re: Is there new light on disfellowshipping? It was basically a new position on how to treat DFed relatives...namely it was non of the elders concern as long as the "evildoer" was not trying to corrupt you with POZTATE ideas.This position after studying the article seemed reasonable to me and a forward step with the issue. I resumed a family relationship on the basis of this article.
Fast forward to 1981 and more new
bulls**tlight.It was back to the hard line again but even harder it seemed. It was the week of the CO's visit and I went to the meeting that night armed with both the views and confronted him with my concerns before the meeting. He told me it was the last viewpoint that was correct and I should "wait on jehovah" to correct matters if I had a problem. I stormed out of the hall before the meeting and never went back.A few days later the PO and CO came to visit to "help me" with my doubts but I saw through the BS just like a breath of fresh air.
There was new info about that time about those who quit the "truth".These people were to be DAed. I had no wish to be DAed because of problems that would create for family still in so instead I refrained from talking to the elders or giving them a letter and soon they just left me alone. It remains like that for me 24 years later.
Think about it! It's amazing how the Stepford Witnesses will do whatever they're told to do. Don't talk to df'd relatives. Jehovah says it's a sin. It's ok to talk to df'd relatives. It isn't a sin! Don't talk to df'd relatives. It's a sin. (But if they are still living in the house you can talk to them like you would normally do).
For seven years I was inactive still thinking it was the "truth". I thought I was just not strong enough to do it. Alot of things happened that made me think twice about Jehovah's people. I had a Christian neighbor who asked me questions and got me thinking. I did some research with my husband. We decided to get out. We never wanted to raise our kids as Witnesses.
I told my family, he told his. They were sad. I called 2 friends that I had been friends with for 30 years and told them. They both asked me not to call them again. So I didn't, their loss. Been free ever since...4 years now!