Hi BrownBoy,
Have you ever thought..."God" might not be so perfect? It's always said, "Man was made in God's image." Could God make mistakes? Can HE do something that even HE considers wrong?
You well remember how after purposely murdering (that's what humans would call a world wide holocaust) an untold number of people, including innocent children and babies back in Noah's day, he expressed "regret" after He "saw what he'd done to mankind"?
It sounds like someone who lost their temper, to me.
If He's not perfect, in the fact that He has murdered un-told millions of people in Bible accounts...how can we put total trust in what the writers of the Bible and the Watchtower, say about Him now?
Why not come back here as a friend, with everyday problems and concerns for how you can help your fellow posters...today. This is the wrong venue to preach or give prophecy. Even the WatchTower which you said, "is best equipped" for such things will disfellowship you and throw you out like yesterday's trash, once they discover your "works."
You are much more welcome here as a friend, if you'll let us.