Last nights meeting...

by DATA-DOG 72 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    I know dubs are delusional. I know dubs don't reason well. I know dubs are a bit off, like many groups. There are some dubs that I really like as people ( when I conveniently ignore that fact that they would disown me in a heartbeat). 

    But.....OMG!!!! To hear adults gushing over Caleb videos as if they were some kind of advanced teaching aid or actually taught something amazing, well, it was horrific. To hear them say it was from "Jeehoober", even more so. 

    With all the real issues of the world, you would think that Jeehoobie could give his one true corporation something else. Maybe a cure for a disease, or clean energy? Alas, no...just videos of how to say "please" when asking for a sandwich. Not to be forgotten is the video of Caleb being baptized in symbol of his dedication to the WTBTS before he reaches the age of 10. 

    Adults giggling to the predictable sound effect laden idiocy of a cartoon and comparing it to some kind of miraculous provision was just too much. I truly felt alone as I sat there, listening to the drones giggle and fawn over a cartoon. 

    The proper words to encompass my feelings escaped me. I just felt truly alone as never before. All that I could think was "These people are f***ing GONE!" They are insane, ignorant, deluded, stunted slaves of a faulty idea, truly "Captives of a concept." 

    Thankfully, I drank half a bottle of wine before the meeting in accord with the nu-lite from Jeehoobie's corporation. 

  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot
    Data-Dog, are you still in?
  • freemindfade

    Data-dog that part made me extremely uncomfortable as well. My wife most sense my utter discomfort and embarrassment by this organization.  

    This is not the religion I was raised in. It's dying an ugly death, a sort of wizard of oz don't look at the man behind the curtain distraction show. 

    I always had a fear in the back of my mind all these years, what if this was just another mainstream religion. Then blindly tell myself it couldn't be. Well... I am for $hit sure now that is indeed it is. Mainstream and crazy.

  • _Morpheus
    Wait a second...  Since i stepped down as an elder a few more months ago i have managed to "miss" the a number of meetings, including this weeks  service meeting, so maybe im a little behind here but did you say caleb from the caleb and sophia series of animated cartoons is depicted as being baptised?  Please tell me this isnt true. Please tell me this is some apostate overreaction to something... Please tell me caleb is depicted as imagining his baptisum in the future. Please please please tell me this isnt true....
  • rebel8

    The Emperor has new clothes!


    1) Yes, I'm still in. I have a nebulous escape plan. 

    2) I'm 90% sure it's Caleb getting baptized. If not, it's another kid. I don't watch the videos. They make me sick.


  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot

    DATA-DOG: "I'm 90% sure it's Caleb getting baptized."

    I'm sure Caleb will never grow up as is the case with most cartoon characters. Maybe he'll watch his cousin get baptized.

  • _Morpheus
    Damn it....  Im going to have to watch to see who it is.  If it is indeed caleb that is a signifigant thing to show.  
  • millie210

    Did they really come out and say Caleb is baptized before age 10?

    I had not heard it said publicly before, although it was definitely being suggested through pictures and so on.

  • suavojr

    Hopefully Caleb will help the Jdubs with some tips on how to survive the GT while hiding inside an elder's basement, too bad I'm in Florida where WE HAVE NO BASEMENTS!!!

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