On announcing the presence of a sexual predator

by disposable hero of hypocrisy 15 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • disposable hero of hypocrisy
    disposable hero of hypocrisy

    There's a lot of talk on here about changes the society must make,  one of them being the announcing of sexual predators in the congregation. I agree. But do any other organizations do the same? Any other churches, groups, clubs? 

    I know that to work with kids here in the UK, you have to pass a crb check, and if you've got anything like that on your record then no way José. But if a crb check isn't mandatory (which it clearly should be), then does any other group do what we think the WT should? 

  • Simon

    I don't believe they should announce anything - they need to accept that it's not their job to pretend to be the law. Their responsibility should be to notify the proper authorities and make sure that any predator is not put in a position where they have power and influence over children, certainly their activities should not be covered up by moving them to another KH or them given the chance to grill their victims in a quasi-court.

    They need to cooperate fully with any investigation and their image to the outside world should not even be a consideration. They should not be sending legions from a local congregation to support the accused in court simply because the accusers have left the congregation. Oh yeah, and don't kick people out who report abusers!!

    They also need to make it clear that it doesn't matter who it is, NO ONE has any authority over you or your children when it comes to their safety and wellbeing. It is perfectly right and proper to question anyone claiming such authority. Position, title and standing in the congregation mean NOTHING.

    That's where they have a problem with doing things right.

    No groups announce that someone is a predator AFAIK because it just promotes vigilanteism and the problem is you can't announce something if they have not been convicted.

  • blondie
    That's good Simon, report them to the law enforcement organization, let them handle things but be willing to give evidence and encourage others to do so to.  But if a person is a registered sex offender already, how would that be handled.
  • Finkelstein

    and the problem is you can't announce something if they have not been convicted.

    That's quite right, the proactive approach is to openly cooperate with outside legal authorities in the ongoing investigation.

    What the WTS should also enforce is up until a person is formerly charged and convicted, the elders should instruct the individual to not be alone with children in the congregation until the case has been brought before the courts. 


  • brandnew

    How bout be like normal people, and call the cops?

    Why all the hush hush? Something to hide? Its crazy when you hafta consider yourself as not normal when your a jdub.....

  • brandnew

    Registering as a sex offender makes it public access.

    So why not make a PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT, and save some kids from some dumb lames.

  • OnTheWayOut

    The problem with Watchtower is vastly different from a typical church.  Attendees to a church don't usually "work with children."  They sit there and listen then leave.  There are volunteers at various levels and parents should be aware of the dangers of sending their kids to unknown volunteers to put up Valentine decorations or whatever.  They can be forewarned in general announcements concerning such matters and of course, the church should weed out any known predators from volunteering.

    Watchtower attendees are asked to do more.  Skipping all the volunteering at assemblies and whatnot stuff that is essentially the same as I mentioned above, there is still the organized recruiting work.  There is still the exclusionary lifestyle that tells them to trust the insiders and distrust the outsiders.  

    On that second note, Watchtower will not warn parents in any way when a known predator is an insider.  They might tell the predator not to work with kids, but nobody is told that the kids should not work with him.  If their hands are tied in that they cannot make specific announcements, then yearly (or perhaps quarterly) announcements to check specific pedophile websites that will name specific predators in the area will eliminate the problem.  Once a few parents find Brother Chester on the list, they will spread the word.

    On the first note, I would love to say that minors should not be part of the recruiting work, but I do recognize the cult and how it would never bend that far.  But they could easily bend far enough to say that parents are the only ones who should work with their children in recruiting and if they don't stay with that, the parents should fully investigate such people that work with their kids, before and after the encounters to make sure it is/was safe.  They should actually suggest that your kids don't work with elders, MS's, the C.O., old pioneers, ANYONE at all other than their parents or grandparents or guardians.  If they do let it happen, they are going on their own without congregational approval of such people.

    And as far as cases coming to their knowledge of problems, I know they are going to call HQ with every last problem, but they should halt proceedings once they are aware of charges and go to the police WITH the accuser.  They are not determining guilt or repentance, they are accompanying a minor who is reporting a crime.  Even if the accuser is lying, the accusation is of a crime.  Treat it like an accusation of murder.  Let the experts investigate.  But stand by the accuser because they are either a victim or a troubled lying youth that needs someone to help them.  Never do that thing where they make the child repeat the charges IN FRONT OF THE PREDATOR (which is their policy if they don't have two witnesses or a confession).  That can be so damaging.  

    After the child went to the police and things got sorted a bit, after the police talk to the alleged predator, then maybe the elders can look into whether a judicial matter has to be had.  And never tell Little Johnny or Suzy to keep their mouths shut.  Let the authorities talk to them and their parents about what they should or should not say to the accused or to others that ask what's wrong.

  • Finkelstein

    But if a person is a registered sex offender already, how would that be handled.

    If a person has a prior conviction, it should be made known to the rest of the attending congregates of the congregation of where the person attends.

    There is usually a restraining order placed on to these people anyways to not be alone with children in any social environment.  

  • PaintedToeNail
    The JW's actively discourage anyone from talking about a sexual predator by telling members they can be DF;d for slander, even if what is talked about is true. Freedom of speech is being denied to those who have been victimized. At a congregation I used to attend, there was a stern talk that anyone who talked about the pedophile would be guilty of slander. Someone I know was very upset because their bible study with small children would be vulnerable to the pedo. I suggested they get a copy of the newspaper report dealing with the crime and sentence and give it to the bible study, That is what they did. No slander, just copy and hand-out.
  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once
    When sex offenders in the US are off parole they are like all others.They no longer have parole sanctions to not be with children. It is true that laws have changed for some offenders to lifetime parole! That might be different. I'm not up on that business.  It would be wise to inform the congregation by individual conversations and not announcements. Telephone, telegraph and what is it everyone? yes, tell-a-witness. But all parents should be advised without a doubt. Once its out there will be no need for an announcement.

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