Letter from my mother........

by Redneckgurl 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Redneckgurl

    Well, it's starting. My parents came by the house this past weekend and their memories were refreshed by the Christmas Lights we had up around the house that I was no longer a JW along with my husband and children. Today she left this note in my car, along with a poncho that she knitted for me ..........Tell me what you think, I want to write her back, but I would love to have some suggestions to use! I hate these guilt tactics that she still tries to use on me!

    "Dear K,

    I want you to know I still love you very much because you are my precious daughter. I just don't like the choice you've made for your life. Hope you like this poncho.


    She always does this to me. She does something nice for me, then says she still loves me. She doesn't do anything for me just to do ti, she always does it with the guilt trip. It's so sad. She chooses to follow this religion that tells her what to do!!!!


  • JamesThomas


    Be the person you want your mom to be: just lover her as she is.


  • Celia
    "Dear K, I want you to know I still love you very much because you are my precious daughter. I just don't like the choice you've made for your life. Hope you like this poncho. Love,


    I was so happy to have you and Dad over the other day. The poncho you knitted for me is really gorgeous, thank you so much. I want you to know that I love you and dad very much, always have, always will. You both are wonderful parents. I don't believe you should be worried about my choices. I am happy, in fact life is getting better every day.... but that's what Moms do, they worry about their children all the time...

    Love, and thank you so much for the present

    your loving daughter


  • Swan

    How about,

    Dear Mom,

    Thank you for the poncho. I really appreciate it and the time you spent on it. It is very nice.

    You are precious to me too Mom, and always will be. We will always have that loving bond between us, even though we will have our differences from time to time. No matter what, I will always love you.

  • Swan

    Ooooh! Celia's is good too!

  • lisavegas420

    I love Celia's letter....that is perfect....

    Acknowledge her visit and her gift and let her know how much you love her and dad, and how happy your life is. What else could a mom possibly want to hear. Well besides you going back I mean..


  • lonelysheep

    The letter ideas are great. Continue being the loving daughter she knows you are (regardless of what she's taught).

  • Jez

    Yup, I second the suggestions here, great ideas.

    I would ignore the 'religious' overtures and just be normal. She is not threatening you, just letting you know she disagrees. That is ok. Lots of nonJW moms do that as well.

  • Granny Linda
    Granny Linda

    How old are our children before we accept their choices are made for them/family...not the parent.

    Wonder if your grandmom was always happy about mother's choices.


  • MungoBaobab

    Just remember that there are many moms out there shunning their daughters for making the same choice as you. Obviously, your mom loves you very, very much. These little "guilt trip" reminders are for her, not for you. They're so she can justify having the level of contact she has with you. They're an apology to God. So try not to take it personally (yeah right! but try) because it's not as personal of a statement towards you as you might think.


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