I have a question for those who got married in a JW ceremony, or who became JWs after being married. Did the elder marrying you, or those studying with you, counsel you as to what forms of sexual intercourse are acceptable within Jehovah's Loving Organization(tm)? Just having a "discussion" of sorts on another board and I'm being challenged by a dutiful JW wife. ;)
Marriage question
by starfish422 41 Replies latest jw experiences
Nope, but both my husband and I were raised in the Org. Maybe they assumed we knew. AFAIK, though, there is no protocol on advising engaged couples on what they are allowed to do after marriage.
My ex was raised as a JW, I was not. We got married by a brother? in a kingdom hall. No one spoke to us at all about sexual matters.
I probably would have blown a fuse if they tried.
Walter -
my ex and I were raise in the cult....so we were just required to study the family book on a regular basis, and then when it came time to get married the elder did a brief review of the roles.....our marriage talk was soooo long though, the same old thing about what roles we each play and blah, blah blah....
Now, my 2nd marriage was performed by a Rabbi, he knew I was not Jewish, so he tailored it so well, that it was the best wedding talk I've ever heard, I wish we had video taped it. It was more on the matter of being partners and looking out for one anothers best interest, helping one another to grow as individuals, supporting one another...none of that whose role is whose crap....
the elder that married my ex and i didnt offer any sexual advice other than " bout time you got married before he exploded) (ex was a horndog)
i had several sisters,cousins get married in the kh and i dont recall ever hearing of any sex talks.
only beef i ever heard was ALL the gals fussed about menstruation being mentioned in the wedding ceremony and the elders putting it in there anyway.
No way...but from a helpful Watchtower lesson, we learned that oral and a**l were off limits! Missionary position is the only approved sexual orientation. :)
good reason for a**l to be off limits.. EW..(i'm repressed and i like my butt to remain virginal)
but oral.. well....... i oughta been df'd on my wedding night lmao.. i was a 19 yr old who had barely been kissed..i was gonna (and nearly did) try everything in one weekend lmao the ex started in on the " i dont think as jw's we're supposed to do this" so i asked " want me to stop?" and that shut him up lol
Yikes. Don't tell me I'm going to have to eat my words. I was not married in the Borg; and I was quite convinced that sort of thing is included in premarital counseling (although certainly NOT the wedding talk! That's not what I was getting at. Omgosh, can you imagine! LMAO).
well... most were encouraged to read the Family book.. you could get a copy of that and it does have some sexual advice in it but i'm not sure what. ( i remember having the book, being told to read the book...but i dont recall ever actually reading it)
We got the "sex" talk. From her mother, her father (the Elder) sat there red-faced, looking at his shoes during the 'talk'. My soon-to-be-wife back then and I did the same.
Sister Eldress proceeded to rule out, oral and anal sex, sex from "behind", masturbation and mutual masturbation, neither of us could 'touch' the others genitals because..."it might cause un-natural excitement like masturbation" (I was thinking "Damn, whats' left ??)
What was "left": Man on top. Then she read us some scripture in the "Song of Soloman" that said I could "become intoxicated anytime with her breasts." Whew. There was SOMETHING left for 2 JW virgins!
Now that she's my X, should I let Sister Pioneer Eldress know what her daughter REALLY liked ? heheh